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Pre-Shave Oil

Anyone use a pre-shave oil before using a straight? I stopped using it and got rid of the bottle I had because it seemed to gunk up my brush when I lathered up. I'm just wondering if it would help or hinder a straight shave. I just ordered my first straight and I'm excited to get going with it. Will the oil affect the shave, or the sharpness of the blade? Might sound dumb to some of you veteran shavers, but I think it's a valid question. Thanks in advance for responses.
I tried it once with a straight instead of my usual pre-shave soap (MRGLO). Couldn't get a good grip on my skin with my off hand, so no more oil for me.
I go through phases with pre-shave oil. Sometimes I'll use it (especially in winter), not so much for the shave, but rather for moisture retention of my skin.

The best pre-shave I have used for a performance gain in shaving is Prorasso pre-shave. The only problem is the menthol in it overwhelms any scent that you were looking forward to in a shave soap. The prorasso is good stuff though.
I use blue beards revenge oil every single time. Doesn't gunk up with my badger brush and does seem to improve the shave a little.
I just got the oil from Star Shaving... it's ok. The first shave with it I felt like my first 2 passes went a little more smooth, like my whiskers were nice and soft. It left a gummy layer on me though, NOT slick at all. My second shave so far with the oil left me wondering whether I like it or not. I'm not sure if it's helping any. It is definitely gunking up a bit on my edge though, I usually end up wiping my blade with my towel a few times during the shave. I'm going to give it another week or two and see how things go.

I've really wanted to give the Proraso pre-shave a try. Seraphim, does it increase slickness? In what ways does it improve performance?
I have tried a number of pre shave oils, as well as grape seed oi,l and some work better than others. Shea Moisture pre- shave oil really works for me and I use it for every shave.

As far as clogging anything up, it sounds like you may have used far too much of it- five drops is enough (literally) and it is absorbed into the skin immediately. If there is any oil coating anything you have used too much. I have never found any pre- shave oil in my brushes or on any razors.

Just wash your hands before handling the razor 'cause it will leave your hands a bit slick.


Anyone use a pre-shave oil before using a straight? I stopped using it and got rid of the bottle I had because it seemed to gunk up my brush when I lathered up. I'm just wondering if it would help or hinder a straight shave. I just ordered my first straight and I'm excited to get going with it. Will the oil affect the shave, or the sharpness of the blade? Might sound dumb to some of you veteran shavers, but I think it's a valid question. Thanks in advance for responses.
Used T&H pre-shave for a very long time, but as technique got better, I just fell out of the habit. I don't think it's necessary, but if you like it and it feels good, then do it. It should have zero effect on your gear.
Lots of 'argument' about pre shave oil on B&B. I like them, but use them for my skin not thinking they improve glide. My thoughts are, if you have oil left on your face so that it's gunking up your brush etc then you're fighting with your soap. On the other hand, a little oil rubbed on your face so that it all absorbs in seems to make the skin more supple - more likely to move under the blade and less likely to knick.

My 'skin regimen' is only what I do shaving and washing my face in the shower. If you put moisturizer on your face, etc. then I'd guess a PSO would do nothing for you. For me it seems to help. And I use a homemade blend that's mostly grapeseed oil so it's pretty inexpensive as well. Shave Secret also works well for me and was less than $5 at Wally World last time I bought some.
I might have to order some more oil and try using less. My skin is pretty dry out here in NM. Maybe I'll find a sampler. The Shave Secret you mentioned, Bill, is that an oil as well?
Tried shaving with a tallow soap? I don't use oils, but love the cushion/glide, and moisturized feel post shave from a tallow.
I used preshave oil daily when I was a beginner. It helped me avoid irritation. Now sometimes I use it during winter when my skin is more dry.

....I've really wanted to give the Proraso pre-shave a try. Seraphim, does it increase slickness? In what ways does it improve performance?

i have the same question. I've been looking at it online and am curious about it.

In my experience it does not increase slickness but it softens the beard leading to more comfortable shaves. One of my favorite products.
Tried shaving with a tallow soap? I don't use oils, but love the cushion/glide, and moisturized feel post shave from a tallow.

The only soap I've tried is VDH, which I picked up at Walmart afew years ago and a La Toja stick that I bought from the classified on B&B. I don't think those are tallow. Ill have to look into that option as well. I primarily use the Proraso menthol cream nowadays.
I still use pre shave oil, though I've never used it with a straight.
Sometimes I skip it and really don't notice any difference in my shave.
I'm guessing now that I'm using better soaps & creams, it doesn't seem to make as much of a difference.

I do use a good face scrub in the shower and throw some hair conditioner on my face to soften the hair up. This seems to help for me.

When I noticed the preshave helped most was when I was using a cart razor and the goo in a can (never again).
It was a really an obvious improvement then.

If you want to try it without spending much the Shave Secret at Walmart is decent for about 4 bucks. I've used that one and many others here seem to like it as well. Worst case, it's only 4 bucks and you can keep it around for when you don't have time for a proper prep. I could see it possibly helping then.

I think when I start with straights I'll stick with the better soaps and prep and just skip the oil all together.
I use a homemade pre shave oil on occasion. Very tiny amount. Not much difference here, but when I lived in Vegas it seemed to help my face.
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