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Pre-Shave Oil

I use Jojoba oil, after washing my face with a glycerin-based soap. One application only. Then I lather and shave.

FWIW, I don't think Jojoba can be beat!
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One application works for me too. I do a four-passer with touch up, and never feel the need to re-apply. I tried it once, re-applying before going ATG, and it didn't seem to make a difference for me.
For those that use pre-shave oil, such as that from AoS, do you apply it before every pass, or just the first?

I used to apply oil only on the first pass. Then someone started a thread just like this one (a couple months ago) and I gave applying before every pass a try. I liked it!

Truth is, I only sometimes apply on each pass (or perhaps first and last pass) depending on the oil and the lather used. With AOS it really isn't necessary--that stuff has staying power. But with lighter products (Pacific Shaving, Shave Secret) I think it really helps to reapply. YMMV of course.
I use the AOS pre-shave oil by applying it only on the first pass, and find I don't need any more than that for a great shave.
I just use my oil once and it does the trick. I do a two pass maximum (I think a good method for me is 1 pass one day and 2 the next as I get so close) with a slight touch-up if needed. I use eShave oil right now.
I alternate between Truefitt & Hill and Spanish Fig and Nutmeg pre-shave oils, and almost always apply the oil only once, before lathering up for my first pass. I've been meaning to try a second application of oil before my final, mostly ATG pass, but I keep forgetting. :sad: Maybe tomorrow . . .
I used to apply oil only on the first pass. Then someone started a thread just like this one (a couple months ago) and I gave applying before every pass a try. I liked it!

Truth is, I only sometimes apply on each pass (or perhaps first and last pass) depending on the oil and the lather used. With AOS it really isn't necessary--that stuff has staying power. But with lighter products (Pacific Shaving, Shave Secret) I think it really helps to reapply. YMMV of course.

Makes me think too; why once only?

My third/final pass is really a combination ATG/touch up pass. It would be great to use another hit of Jojoba oil then and pass the Alum test* every day. My pass rate is about 75% now...

* After shaving and splashing liberally with cold water, rub an Alum bar across your neck a few times. If there's no sting at all you pass the Alum test.
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