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Pre-Shave Oil Process

I have a sample of T&H Pre Shave Oil that I never planned on using, but hearing some people lately saying it helps, I figured I'd give it a try. I find that my face tends to dry off while I'm shaving which starts to make things more difficult and uncomfortable, and was wondering if it might help with that. Also, I'm not exactly sure when to apply it. I shower (including washing my face) before I shave, so I assume I probably shouldn't apply it before I shower since it will get washed off. Should I apply it after I wash my face but while still in the shower, to let the steam work with it, or should I apply it after I finish showering, but before shaving while getting ready? In either case, does it tend to leave enough oil behind that you need to wash your face again after you shave, or is it not really noticeable and just gets covered by aftershave?

ETA: BTW, I face lather if it makes a difference.
I got that sample too. I always apply it after I finish showering, but before shaving, while prepping lather. I'm not sure it made a big difference for me. It does smell nice though. Considering the purchase price for that stuff, that's one item I will pass on buying.
All the technique I've read/seen say apply oil just before applying lather.
in my case I shower/ hot towel, put a little in my hand and massage it over my face. You don't need alot, just enough to coat your beard. Maybe 1/4 tea spoon or so.....massage it well.
then lather; I face lather too, I find some soaps don't react we'll with oil, so find one that works and stick with it; but for me a pre shave oils really helps. I have psoriasis, and it softens that, helps with the shave, keeps things moist and seems to really help with rash and burn.
i certainly wouldn't stop including it in my routine now.
I don't use pre-shave oil, but I figured out that if I turn off the overhead air exhaust fan when I get out of the shower, that my face doesn't dry out as quickly. Try it.



B&B's Man in Italy
Sir, pre-shave oils are applied right before lathering on your face. The purpose of oils and other pre-shave treatments is to soften the whiskers, protect the skin and offer a better glide to the razor. Some find them vital, some useless. My opinion is half-road and I simply find them useful, especially if you have heavy beard combined with sensitive skin or little time to prep.


A few observations I've found while testing/using/formulating shaving oils...

1) If you face lather, the oil will have a lessor effect... basically the soap will breakdown the oil and take it off the skin. Pre-shave oil is better for bowl/palm/mug lathering and less brush-time on the face.

2) The main benefit of the oil is... it highly protects the skin from the blade; as an experiment, try shaving with just oil. It creates a protection barrier between the blade and the skin.

3) A shaving oil mixed with a citrus EO does the best job of breaking down the bodies natural oils on the beard hairs and allows the lather and moisture to hydrate the beard a lot faster and better

4) A little longer is more beneficial... rubbing in the oil for 30-40 seconds and then allowing it to sit on the face for 2-3 minutes while you create lather is better than putting on the oil and immediately lathering right up.

All this stuff is just my opinion from my testing.
Understand this is all very personal/YMMV/etc. But pre-shave oil is an absolute MUST in my prep. I can honestly say without it, I would have gone back to a full beard. I understand for some it makes no difference, or little, but it makes the world of difference to me. Marco hit it right on the head: I have very sensitive skin, a tough beard and tend to get ingrown hairs--or at least I used to. My face seems to have changed for the better over the years.

I like the heavier slicker oils (like AOS) but just about anything is better than nothing for me.. I'd really love to try the Proraso as it looks pretty interesting and the reviews here are great. But I tend to shy away from menthol.

Oh, and I do a lot of face lathering and have no problem whatsoever getting great lather over the oil.
I have tried them and found that there is nothing like good prep. I just don't like the way they gunk up my brush and I always get a clogged pore.
It is the first thing I do when I step out of the shower, the I dry the rest of me, put on the pit stick and comb my hair, then face lather. Seems to give the oil some time to work its magic.
I have tried them and found that there is nothing like good prep. I just don't like the way they gunk up my brush and I always get a clogged pore.

I've used several and have encountered both of these problems. For me, it's benefit is to keep the skin moist, not to replace lather. Moister skin = a more pliant and smooth surface.

Only got clogged pores when using King of Shaves with Silicone or Teflon (some synthetic chemical, can't remember). It was slick and stuck to the skin - even when face lathering, but it never really washed off and I didn't like the feeling on the skin. Nor the clogged pores. Off to the father-in-law, who loves it.

Gunking up the brush happens when you use too much. At first, you're thinking... no way, 6 drops, really? And so, you do 12 drops (make mine a double!) and it disappears on the face in 3 seconds. So you do 12 more and it's gone too. So you think it's not doing anything and then the razors all clogged and gunked up.

If this was you too... use an all-natural and less drops. I have one little bottle left, Pacific Shaving. Another one I've used successfully is the little clear/white cap bottle at Wal-mart - a very minty pre-shave oil. Or you can mix your own - 2/3 - 3/4 castor oil and the rest is olive oil. But for a few bucks, I just buy it.
Oh, forgot to add... when I do use it, it's the last thing I do at the end of the shower - given the face a final splash of water, rub in the pre-shave, rinse off the hands under the shower and done. But I only use it when I think my face feels dry - the whole smooth skin/prep thing.

For the OP: A good way to see if something is helping or not is to use it on one side of the face. So, try the pre-shave oil on one side and the other without. Or try it "regular strength" on one side and double up on the other and see which works for you.
Shave Secret sold at Wal Mart for $4 is a great pre shave oil. It is an important part of my prep. A little is the key. I use 4 drops per shave.
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