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Pre-Shave Cream or Gel?

I was wondering if buying a pre-shave face cream or gel or wash would be worth the money. Does it help soften the hairs up a lot for a much better shave? Thanks!

Interesting question. Warm water will hydrate your face, especially if you shave after a shower or use a hot, wet towel. Pre shave products also protect you against the razor so before buying anything try baby oil or olive oil as a pre-shave and then later up without washing the oil.
Thanks for the suggestions. Does anybody have more? Does softening hair conditioner in the shower work well on the beard?
I recently acquired a Proraso white pre-shave cream with aloe and green tea.
I liked the product a lot, very moisturizing, refreshing, protective and leaves a good feeling on your skin. I highly recommend it.
I don't feel as though I need it for a good shave, but as I mentioned in another similar post, the Truefitt & Hill preshave oil sample that I'm trying sure smells great before shaving, and it does help the glide a bit. It has a sharp orange scent. I like using it before the GFT coconut shave soap or Williams (lemon!). Follow it up with some Bay Rum and it is all about the islands!!
I recently acquired a Proraso white pre-shave cream with aloe and green tea.
I liked the product a lot, very moisturizing, refreshing, protective and leaves a good feeling on your skin. I highly recommend it.

+1 Proraso pre/post is a great product! I wouldn't shave without it. I've tried conditioner in the shower and pre-shave oils. Nothing works as good as the Proraso.

Try Proraso Pre & Post shave cream.:thumbup1:
If you want more info on this fabulous italian product, just give a look at my post here: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=154293

As I said before, I liked the Proraso white pre-shave cream very much.
I also like the white Proraso shaving cream.

Although the white pre-shave cream is supposed to be used only as a pre-shave treatment, it works very well as a post-shave also! :thumbup1:

Never tried the green ones because I have a somewhat sensitive skin, and never liked the blast of menthol in my face given by certain products. Maybe I'll try those in the near future.

But for now, the white Proraso pre-shave and shave creams just seem to have the right "mentholated" effect for me! :thumbup1:
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I have the Proraso pre shave and it doesn't make that much difference.

However use an exfoliating facial scrub as a pre shave and the difference is massive. You will be amazed at the quality of the shave it gives.
Proraso Pre-Shave seems to get a lot of love. I like AoS Lavender when using their lavender soap if you can tolerate the price ($22, but it lasts forever) it also comes in unscented, sandalwood, and lemon. Truefitt's pre-shave is awesome and smells great too. Castle Forbes makes water based stuff that works like any $40 product should. Doing Kyle's Prep might be a good choice also. I would be very carefull with scrubs if you have sensitve skin. Over exfoliation due to the scrub then shaving could really mess with your skin.
Another great product is Musgo Real Glycerine Lime Oil Soap. Wash your beard/face with it before lathering up. It's very nice -- but I admit that, for simplicity's sake, I forego this step and just brush on some watery lather as a first step, then lather in earnest on top of it. It's plenty prep for me.
I rub in some Noxema Deep Cleansing Cream right after my shower. I let it work its magic while I get my lather going in my scuttle. Works fantastic and it is cheap.

I'm another fan of the Proraso pre-shave. I tried a 'scrub' type exfoliating 'cream' and really didn't get on with it. It just felt really scratchy.
I recently got my dad some Taylor of Old Bond Street pre-shave gel as a birthday gift. He has used it a few times and said he noticed an improvement in his shaves. As for me, I have never used any pre-shave products.

Here's a link to the Best Grooming Tools page on the TOBS pre-shave gel:

I hope this helps.


I will give another thumbs up for Proraso; however, I am curious about the TObS since it is for acne prone skin and has antibacterial properties. Anyone have any other opinions on this product?
I initially wrote pre-shave products off having tried the Edwin Jagger pre-shave lotion, which didn't seem to make any difference. Once I tried Proraso pre-shave I had to change my stance however. It makes a clear difference in the comfort of shave. RazoRock shave gel used as a preshave seems pretty good so far as well.
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