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Prairie Creations scents

I'm interested in trying some Prairie Creations shave soap, probably the tallow w/lanolin variety. It looks like they have a deal on 3 pucks, but I'm stuck on what scents to try:001_rolle

I'd like to get one unscented and I'm inclined to make the other two essential oil scents. Any recommendations? Cedar wood, tea tree oil, eucalyptus, and pine needle and all sound good to me.
Nice, nice, nice...
I like the tallow / lanolin a lot.

You must have her Lavender.
A very good one.

As for FO:

An all time favorite is Watercress and Aloe.
Great scent.

And so is Almond.
Though that seems to be a imited edition.
I have the rose, very good floral scent but a bit too strong until you have used it a few times. I ordered the 3 pack with lanolin, ended up giving the Dragons Blood and Spiced Rum to my son, he seems to like them. I found the soap very easy to lather and gives everything I would want in a shave soap but I'm not sure whether I would reorder it with or without the lanolin next time around.
I've tried the bay rum, spice rum and Old Spice type, all before the lanolin was an option.

Of the three, I like the scent of the spiced rum best. The OS type has a great scent, I just wish it was stronger.

Scents, as usual, are a YMMV thing.
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