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Practice Blade

I recently purchased a coti so I could hone my own, but I really don't want to damage any of the blades that I currently own. (that rhymed) Is there an inexpensive blade that I could use to practice honing and would give a decent shave? I figure that shaving would be the only way of telling how well a job I did.
Gold dollar 200 everytime, cheap and cheerful and capable of a good shave, granted it's not as good as the very best but it can certainly hold a decent edge, i use mine for practice then later on honed my ti which worked out very well.
GD's are known to frequently have issues with the shoulder and heal. On the ones with issues, to paraphrase gssixgun, the honing process begins with a dremel. I don't know what percentage have issues, so I won't even guess. Just keep in mind that you may very well get one that is not going to be easy for a beginner to hone.
Plenty of evidence out their that Gold Dollars are not good razors to learn to hone with due to a number of different reasons.
Any other razors that I could use? I don't have access to an antique shop, so not sure if I could find an older razor.
Keep an eye out for one of LarryAndro's razors. He's a member here; I saw one going for $33 in the Vendor subforum. In fact, most of his razors sell for $33. Also check the BST, he usually puts them there.
I bought one from Larry for exactly the same purpose.
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