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Power Brush

I participated in a focus group on shaving yesterday. Hopefully the highly negative reaction a power brush received will mean the end of that project.


B&B membership has its percs
Unless it would power other, ah, functions, I agree with the rest of the panel.
Sounds like a Tim-the-Toolman-Taylor solution to a non-existent problem.

That said, I think an air-tool powered brush would sound a lot cooler than the electric drill. :thumbup:

No, just no...

A focus group? Really? Thats cool :thumbup1: I managed to get selected for a couple of focus groups for a fast food chain. We got to try some really good burgers. I'm not kidding. They were delicious.
Towards the end of my career I was a part of "focal group" evaluating the Army's "high tech weapons groups" High tech ears, eyes silent weaponry--Not really for us, (USMC) But I might go for a "high tech brush" might be good for my lazy days to come one day.
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