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Post your desert island combination! Limit 5 items please.

The ship is sinking and you only have a minute to gather your belongings. You can only bring one razor, one kind of shaving cream, one kind of blade, and only couple of aftershave products..

for my sensitive skin, I really like the alcohol and fragrance free Arko shaving cream, and aftershave cream,

The Sledgehammer, for a very close, irritation free shave in two passes..
Perma Sharp Supers, (Astra SP would also be just fine)
and Humphreys Witch Hazel...

the above combination is perfect for me.

what is your desert island combination?
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Here's the stuff I would need. I included a brush, since I was allowed 5 items.

Gillette the new long comb
ogallala stick or arko
7 O'clock blacks
ogallala aftershave lime and peppercorns
Restored made rite persian vase handle with 20mm TGN finest knot (my current favorite) OR Omega pro 49
Wow, only 5? O.K. here goes:

1. Merkur slant DE

2. Vulfix 2234

3. Pure glycerin shave soap

4. witch hazel

5. Feather blades

I believe I could get by with the above, but of course I'd want much more. :crying: :sad: :cursing:
My five things for a desert isle:

1. 1948 Gillette Aristocrat (lasts a lifetime)

2. Astra SP blades (lifetime supply)

3. VDH soap (lathers under any condition)

4. EJ Best Badger brush (always works)

5. Mary Ann ('nuff said!)
Feather AS-D1 razor
Mitchell's Wool Fat soap
Muehle 21mm Silvertip Fibre brush
Yellow Feather blades
Nivea Sensitive Skin After Shave Balm
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Brush: Savile Row 3824
Razor: Mergress
Soap: D.R. Harris Arlington
Blades: Gillette Silver-Blue
A/S: Floid Blue
I'm new in the game, but here goes:

40's style SS
Semogue 620 (My best brush, the other being a Tweezerman)
Proraso green soap (I have a lot of soap to try)
Gillette 7 o'clock blacks
Thayer's WH with cucumber
1. Gillette Contract Tech
2. Derby Extra
3. Semogue 830
4. VDH Deluxe
5. Witch Hazel

Using my MacGyver expertise, I would use the 5 items to make a boat and sail to the mainland so I could have more variety than 5 items.
Five items eh?

1. Merkur Slant 39
2. My Omega Synthetic
3. Vostok Soap (I'm assuming this is a tropical locale so let's go cold)
4. Feather blades
5. Osage Rub
i keep changing my line-up; here is my latest:
* Weber DLC
* Super Iridiums
* Rooney Heritage Stubby 1XL 3-band (should dry in the tropical heat for every day use)
* Mystic Water Bay Rum/Mike's Lemongrass + Eucalyptus (no way to decide between these two)
* Unrefined Shea Butter
Brush: Simpson Eagle G3 in Best
Soap: Art of Shaving Lavender
Razor: Weber Bulldog ARC
Blade: Super Iridium
AS: Speick ASL
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