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Post shave preference

I have all three, and I like them in the following order

1) Witch Hazel (always a good thing)
2) Alum Block (sometime necessary for rougher shaves)
3) Proraso Pre-post (not a fan of using as a post...too chalky, and doesn't leave me with a great post-shave face-feel)
I used Proraso Pre-post last night for the first time. I did find it a little chalky as well, but was worried I applied too much. After a hour or so once it had soaked in I liked it. Always reminds Florence where I have my first DECENT wet shave whilst on holidays.​
I regularly use witch hazel, but also use antoher "after shave" (cream, balm, or splash) following the witch hazel.


Dirty Donuts are so Good.
Warm water rinse
Cold water rinse
Alum block
Cold water rinse
Thayers alcohol free Witch Hazel
AS only spring/summer AS + Cornhuskers mix fall/winter
warm water rinse
cold water rinse
Osage Rub
Aftershave of choice (Clubman Classic or Paciific Rush a lot recently)
Warm rinse.
Cold rinse.
Alum Block (very usefull for the feedback).
WH (all over face as toner as well).
AS splash or Balm (or mix depending on mood).
Moisturize whole face.

I do use Proraso Pre/Post as a preshave only.
Cold water rinse
Witch hazel (Dickenson's)
Unrefined shea butter
After shave (once the shea butter has absorbed), currently Ogallala Bay Rum w/sandalwood

The only part of this routine that I might change is to replace the shea butter with some sort of unscented or mildly scented balm. I like the shea butter but it takes a while to absorb.
That's good to know that everyone is using more than one product.
I have all three: Proraso Pre/Post Shave Cream, Witch Hazel, Alum Block and didn't know if I should use all three or just pick one.
Tonight I'll give more than one product a try.
Warm water rinse
Cold water rinse
Alum block
Cold Thayers alcohol free Witch Hazel (I keep it in the fridge for the cold feeling)
Proraso Pre/Post Shave Cream
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I always do this:
warm water rinse
alum block
cold water rinse to remove alum residue
witch hazel/Tend Skin
aftershave/AS Balm
I use the Proraso as a pre-shave, but tend to do a warm rinse and witch hazel after the shave (styptic pencil first if I happen to nick myself), followed a few minutes later by a cool rinse and an aftershave, normally Lucky Tiger.
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