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Post shave cleaning help

Hello gents,

I think I am getting into a pretty good pre shave and actual shave routine so far, but I need some help in the post shave clean up department (I shall explain). I have pretty hard water (understatement) so I have been using purified water for the shave. When I was using soap this wasn't too big a problems because I could rinse the razor in the purified and continue shaving. The creams however seem to get the water pretty foamy and it then becomes hard to actually rinse between every stroke. So I started leaving the hot tap water on and rinsing after each stroke but then dipping in the purified before continuing. Well after about a week of that my razor is starting to collect a pretty good white film on it. Not sure what to do besides clean it with alcohol every time. Any suggestions would help. Thanks
You could buy a water softener for your home, but they are expensive. Another suggestion would be to rinse the razor in a cup of purified water during the shave.
It sounds like soap scum to me. Give it the best rinse you can with running water and a drying wipe on the towel after a shave. I've found the buildup on my razor bears a relationship to the soap I'm using at the time. Van der Hagen products will rinse very cleanly but products with a significant tallow component leave a film that the rinse and wipe only diminishes. I'd suggest the following routine (it works for me). Whenever you change blades put the razor in an empty basin and give it a shot of Scrubbing Bubbles or any other bathroom cleaner designed to deal with soap scum then give it a good brushing and rinse thoroughly. That will keep the accumulation of scum to a minimum. Some cleaners have ingredients that inhibit the buildup of soap scum. This is probably the cheapest solution because you most likely have the cleaning product on hand already. Of course as always YSMV (Your Scum May Vary).
What I do when my razor starts to get soap build up on it is just give it a good cleaning with scrubbing bubbles, it works great and gives it a good as new shine.
The best suggestion is the ultrasonic, but even less expensive is using that old toothbrush, but when you're changing blades add a dab of toothpaste and then use the toothbrush. Not only will it clean up really nice, but it'll add a nice shine to your razor.
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