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Possible cheap thrill

I swore off new purchases for the rest of the year. I'm just looking. You know... curious. (that's how it starts, right?)

Anyone own one of these? I'm tempted to try a boar because they're cheap and definitely have a loyal following. I like the handle, prefer small diameter knots, but I'm concerned about a 44mm loft on a boar brush? Isn't that a little short (i.e. no give at all)?


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In my world boar brushes don't count as a purchase. I say go for it, although that seems small to me. However, I do like small brushes.
According to a review I found (not on B&B), it has a hand-turned acrylic handle (beats the molded handles a lot of cheaper Omegas have), and it is actually mixed boar and badger! Backbone of a boar with a little more water holding capacity. That could be great. Just looking and thinking out loud here. I'd never buy one of these.

Don't consider it a purchase. This is R&D. You need to take one for the team and report back.

Exactly... so I ordered one a couple days ago. For the money, I just had to know what's up with a boar/badger mix. Also had to know about "just boar", so I picked up a Vulfix boar from the same vendor. I really dig the handle, too. I'll let you know what I think.

I have done some more costly R&D lately, so I was going to hold off on the boar brush(es). SBAD, right?

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The wife's investment
Exactly. That's why I ordered one a couple days ago. For the money, I just had to know what's up with a boar/badger mix. Also had to know about "just boar", so I picked up a Vulfix boar from the same vendor. I really dig the handle, too. I'll let you know what I think.

I have done some more costly R&D lately, so I was going to hold off on the boar brush(es). SBAD, right?


Good man! Be sure to give that boar some time to get properly broken in, as they improve with usage.
Good man! Be sure to give that boar some time to get properly broken in, as they improve with usage.

Thanks for the extra push and vote of confidence. For science! This is all in the name of helping widen the B&B body of knowledge. I actually have 3 brushes for which I need to write reviews, since no one else has yet.

Hey Andy,slow down.:lol:
I am still waiting for my 19/45mm Finest to arrive:biggrin:

You're going to love it. In the meantime, why not order a $20 boar while waiting for the Finest to arrive?

I'm a little worried about the scritch factor, but who knows. Maybe the boar will add some nice variety. If not, I'll drill them out and toss in some knots from Golden Nib. :biggrin:

At the moment, brushes seem to be the weak link in my rig. I've figured out I'm a Gemocrat and have several soaps and aftershave lotions I really like but only have one brush, a Magna with a 24mm knot (antique store find). It works well but could probably stand to be re-knotted. Before I plunge into that world I think a Tweezerman Badger and Omega Boar would be decent investments. Once the new brushes are in place, I'll purchase a 24mm badger knot and try my hand at reconditioning the old guy.
You're going to love it. In the meantime, why not order a $20 boar while waiting for the Finest to arrive?

I have the Omega Pro.49 that I enjoy very much.But, I think there is a Wee Scot calling my name:smile:
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You're going to love it. In the meantime, why not order a $20 boar while waiting for the Finest to arrive?

I have the Omega Pro.49 that I enjoy very much.But, I think there is a Wee Scot calling my name:smile:

Glad to hear it about the Wee Scot. It's one of my favorites. I can highly recommend Diamond Edge for Simpsons brush purchases.

Glad I am working my way down instead of the other direction, much more affordable. :smile:

Sort of. Per brush it's more affordable. If you buy a truck load of cheaper brushes, it's not. But you can buy several $20 to $30 brushes, just for giggles, before you get to the $150+ you'd spend on a premo brush.

I think for me it's been sort of a bell curve as far as cost is concerned. Cheap brush, couple mid-priced brushes that didn't quite do it for me, expensive brush (pretty great but for the money...), then back to some moderately priced brushes that have knocked my socks off. Now I'm on to a couple cheap brushes just because they strike my fancy, and I'm curious.

What is it they say about cats and curiosity? I don't remember.

Sort of. Per brush it's more affordable. If you buy a truck load of cheaper brushes, it's not. But you can buy several $20 to $30 brushes, just for giggles, before you get to the $150+ you'd spend on a premo brush.

I think for me it's been sort of a bell curve as far as cost is concerned. Cheap brush, couple mid-priced brushes that didn't quite do it for me, expensive brush (pretty great but for the money...), then back to some moderately priced brushes that have knocked my socks off. Now I'm on to a couple cheap brushes just because they strike my fancy, and I'm curious.

What is it they say about cats and curiosity? I don't remember.


That pretty much sums up my experiences with brushes as well. Fortunately, there are some excellent choices in the moderate price range, Shavemacs Finest and Rooney's 1/1. The pleasant surprises on the lower end were Omega's Boar and the Semogue. I don't have anything from Simpson's line yet.

As far as cats and curiosity, this little guy keeps us on our toes! :wink:
According to a review I found (not on B&B), it has a hand-turned acrylic handle (beats the molded handles a lot of cheaper Omegas have), and it is actually mixed boar and badger! Backbone of a boar with a little more water holding capacity. That could be great. Just looking and thinking out loud here. I'd never buy one of these.


Just go for it! I have an Omega Professional and it is murderous on hard soaps!
This little brush is an absolute riot. It is indeed a badger/boar mix (pure badger hair grade?). As you can see, it performs great. That's Provence Sante soap in the photos, and it took very little effort to produce that meringue. Fantastic performance.

The brush didn't smell much after it was wet (mostly a mild badger "new brush" smell). It was a little scritchy, but that's no surprise. I mean scritchy in a pleasant sort of way. Still, much softer than I expected, and far softer than the only pure badger brush I've ever used (EJ travel brush). It positively destroys soap, and the lather definitely prefers to be on the face than in the brush.

It's a rather firm brush but has a little give. Splays a little while applying lather. For $20, everyone should have one of these (unless you have giant hands). This is the travel brush Edwin Jagger should have made. Oh, it even comes with a decent quality travel tube. It's definitely getting added to the rotation.

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