So what did he do? wife and I were just talking about that...something quirky going on with him and Mrs Woods IMHO
tall scandinavian women can swing a 7 iron!
He has a fairway to go till he explains himself. Hopefully he can putt this rough patch behind him and get back into the swing of things.
What's the problem with a guy driving into a fire hydrant and his neighbors tree? I do it all the time.
A freak accident like getting conked with a 7 iron?Outside of drunk driving, I can only really think of one sane record of events. He could have injured himself at home and was driving himself to the hospital, but fainted while driving (I've fainted from a freak accident before), causing him to crash. Not sure it is that believable though.
You fogot the............... He got into the protection of his Escalade while she was coming after him with a 7 iron and beating on the thing till he could start it up, put it into gear, and consequently putting the pedal to the metal he couldn't control all 450 horses under the hood, getting the hell out of Dodge far to rapidly for his reflexes to properly process the total sensory overload at 2:30 in the morning, after his wife found out he has a girlfriend.........OPTION