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Poll: favorite scale material

What is your favorite scale material

  • Bone

  • Wood

  • Plastic

  • Other

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The ease of use and durability leads me now to plastics. I used to love ivory, but darn brittle and delicate. Wood is nice but a pain to work up and finish.
Ivory is my favorite for it's color, rariety but of course dislike it for the pricetag.

I don't like wood, it usually seems too bulky and heavy.

i really like most plastic scales as well as most horn scales.
I really like Ivory specially the old Ivory say 40000 year old...:tongue_sm

However I really gravitate toward Buffalo Horn. The colors are just amazing (other than the plain Black) and I find it really nice to work with. It's a help that I have a distributor only 10 minutes from me so I can hand select the finest of the fine pieces to work with.

Horn done right will last a lifetime and offer some of the best in old world elegance.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Any thoughts on longevity and warping or cracking?
While I love my old French wedge in old ivory, as well as my Sheffield in bone, I still prefer my Ebony wood handled Revisor scales to those of any other. The balance is perfect, and I love the look and feel. Heavier razors become very loose in ivory or bone, but not as much with wood.
Wood all the way, it can be finished in so many different ways with the grain selection they can be subtle and wild
Metal, baby....metal!!

cuz it's SHINEY......well, that, and the sheer satisfaction of looking at a finished project after giving it several days of controlled, focused singleminded attention.....and cuz it's SHINEY....:w00t::thumbup::w00t:


My elbows leak
Staff member
Old Ivory. I love the look and feel.

Ivory is my favorite for it's color, rariety but of course dislike it for the pricetag.

I don't like wood, it usually seems too bulky and heavy.

i really like most plastic scales as well as most horn scales.

I really like Ivory specially the old Ivory say 40000 year old...:tongue_sm

However I really gravitate toward Buffalo Horn. The colors are just amazing (other than the plain Black) and I find it really nice to work with. It's a help that I have a distributor only 10 minutes from me so I can hand select the finest of the fine pieces to work with.

Horn done right will last a lifetime and offer some of the best in old world elegance.

While I love my old French wedge in old ivory, as well as my Sheffield in bone, I still prefer my Ebony wood handled Revisor scales to those of any other. The balance is perfect, and I love the look and feel. Heavier razors become very loose in ivory or bone, but not as much with wood.

I'm in complete agreement.
If it's got enough thickness not to break when you touch it.
I also realize the rarity, so a second choice for me is bone.
Giraffe Bone has an amazing look to it.
Im with ivory. Unfortunately it is on probably my cheapest razor so I can't part with it but it looks like a hairline crack at the pivot pin so I'm not touching it. feels great though as mentioned a few times.
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