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Plisson soap

I was on search to find the perfect bowl to make my lather in so I bought the Plisson shaving bowl with the soap. The bowl is perfect to make lather but I don't like the smell of the soap, yet their other products are outstanding just not their soap.

Anyways the soap is untouched still in it's plastic wrap, slightly ripped since I had to pry it out of the bowl. If anyone wants it I'd be happy to send it out.

Hey cuttinboard, is the soap in the joris the same as the soap i have? Do you like the smell?

The soap and container came from Joris/Plisson so I guess its the same soap as what you have. I'm kind of indifferent about the smell...I don't dislike the smell but its not my favorite scented soap. It smells better than MWF but not as good as some of the higher end soaps from Floris or Penhaligons.

I haven't used the soap yet so I'm unsure about how it performs.
The soap and container came from Joris/Plisson so I guess its the same soap as what you have. I'm kind of indifferent about the smell...I don't dislike the smell but its not my favorite scented soap. It smells better than MWF but not as good as some of the higher end soaps from Floris or Penhaligons.

I haven't used the soap yet so I'm unsure about how it performs.

As I mentioned to navalha, my intent is to share the soap with others as it's certainly on the uncommon side of the products discussed here. Also, both of your bowls are outstanding! I love that beautiful burl in particular! :001_cool:
Thuya wood looks a lot like Briar wood. It's not that I don't like the soaps smell, it's just that i can't put my finger on it. A very strange yet familiar scent.
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