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Please make me feel better

Dang. I pretty much blew my shaving budget at the very beginning of the month with some razor purchases.

Today I was in my local antique store. As I walked in, the fellow told me they had just closed. I noticed a shiny metal box in the case and asked if I could look at it. He told me he would give me just one minute to take a look.

Well, it was a Gem 1912 Damaskeene in a velvet-lined metal case complete with two metal razor blade boxes. I thought about it, and about how much I was in the hole with my shaving purchases. I hemmed and hawed, and I declined. "You can have it for seven dollars," he said. I told him I would have taken it if I didn't have a bunch of Gem razors already. I thanked him and walked out of the store. I almost turned around when it dawned on me that it was a Damaskeene, and I didn't have one of those. But they had closed their doors.

Here's the kicker: they had just closed their doors for good. They were closing up shop and wouldn't be doing business anymore. They wouldn't be selling anything to anyone after that. Not open to the public any more. I wouldn't be able to come back even if I wanted to.

Now I am kicking myself. No, it's not like I passed up a 195 for $5 or anything that grievous. But it was a nice deal for a metal cased Damaskeene for $7.

Please make me feel better and convince me that I'm not missing anything. I get some of my best shaves with my EverReady 1912. Fantastic shaves. I've heard some people prefer the Damaskeene curved head for a smoother, closer shave, though. Is it really better? Say it ain't so!

First, there are other razors out there. You will find other good deals in time.

Second, go back there and slip a note under the door or leave it in the mailbox. They might be closed, but they're going to be in and out of there many times before they're gone. Give them your name, number, email, etc. and say that you want the Gem and are interested in any other shaving gear they have. I bet you'll get a phone call.
I don't think there are any major design differences between the "Damaskeene" model and a run of the mill 1912. As far as I know, the only difference is the size of the threads that screw the handle into the head. The shave should be the same.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Don't cry over anything here. There will be plenty more opportunities in the future to score things you haven't dreamed of yet.
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