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Please help me choose my next safety razor

Hi, I am not interested in starting a razor collection, I am hopeing to purchase one perfect razor that will last, at least my lifetime and provide the best, smoothest, shave possible. Since the plan is for this to be the only razor I will ever need to buy, I don't mind spending what it takes.

I currently have a parker 22r and although it is better than the cartrdige razors I was using before, I have similar issues with it that others have mentioned.

My beard is coarse, I have curly hair, but I wouldn't say that it is thick.

Any advice would be helpful since my shaving experience is limited to the parker 22R. Based on what I have read so far, the following razors are under consideration, in order based on their appeal to me at the moment.

1. Merkur Futur, I love the asthetic and I figure the adjustible nature of this razor should allow me to find a sweet spot. I would consider the Progress, but I hate the yellow piece on the handle. It may be a dumb reason to reject a razor, but I would prefer to like the form as well as the function.

2. Muhle R89

3. Muhle R41

4. Edwin Jagger DE89L

5. Merkur 38M HD, This one doesn't appeal to me all that much. I have left it on the list because it seems to have good reviews.

Thanks in advance.
My favorite is the Muhle R89. Its heavy chrome finish has a marvelous quality. The R89 gives a smooth feel on the face, an outstanding shave, and a great balance in hand. I have never cut myself with it. It is--to use an over-used word--AWESOME.

If your beard is very coarse a Feather blade (or other aggressive blade) might be needed. But that could be true of any razor.
Are you avoiding Vintage razors for a reason? Buy one in good condition and you can be sure it will last. Its already lasted a lifetime and it will continue to do so.

Gillette New Long Comb is a Very Nice shaver and pretty inexpensive too.
Are you avoiding Vintage razors for a reason? Buy one in good condition and you can be sure it will last. Its already lasted a lifetime and it will continue to do so.

Gillette New Long Comb is a Very Nice shaver and pretty inexpensive too.

I am definitly not avoiding vintage razors, in fact I was just looking at the Gillette fatboy. I am just worried about availability of vintage razors and I am worried about making a bad purchase no matter what I buy. That initial list was largely based off of reading through posts on this forum and matching them up with ones I could find for sale.

4 years ago I got into electronic cigarettes. I ended up going through 6 very expensive e-cig setups before I found one that made me happy. It ended up costing me a lot of money and I just want to avoid a repeate of that
Get the lowest cost EJ89 I think soap.com and google a coupon code for the best price. it is the Muhle but just in case you want to sell it you have the popular name. Great razor, everyone should have one, get good with it as a benchmark and then get later on get into some vintage stuff and even Singe Edge.

The reason to get the low cost simple handle is because if you have an extra $35.00 I would get the Razorock slab. The razor is almost the same as the EJ and you can try it out for your opinion but the stainless steel handle is incredible and better than any offered with the Mule or Jagger line. It is the same as the Ikon bulldog and the grip an weight is a real pleasure to use. That handle with the EJ89 head is a razor for a lifetime.
I am definitly not avoiding vintage razors, in fact I was just looking at the Gillette fatboy. I am just worried about availability of vintage razors and I am worried about making a bad purchase no matter what I buy. That initial list was largely based off of reading through posts on this forum and matching them up with ones I could find for sale.

4 years ago I got into electronic cigarettes. I ended up going through 6 very expensive e-cig setups before I found one that made me happy. It ended up costing me a lot of money and I just want to avoid a repeate of that

For me, that's the beauty of vintage razors. They are a lot less expensive allowing you to try several different ones and find what works for you. After you decide what you like, you can resell the extras and they will not have lost much value, if any.

Sometimes I think that having too many choices is the problem with the world. Since there are so many choices we always feel like there is something better out there, and we just have to have it.

Not to troll my own thread, but how many times do you order something at a resteraunt. It's a perfectly good Stake, but after You take a few bites, you think to yourself "this isn't bad, but I knew I should have ordered the Salmon"?

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I would recommend picking up some user grade vintage razors which are very affordable. Then when you find the model that works best for you, you can hunt down a more presentable one to keep and sell the others , or if you're like the rest of us just keep adding to your collection.
I would recommend picking up some user grade vintage razors which are very affordable. Then when you find the model that works best for you, you can hunt down a more presentable one to keep and sell the others , or if you're like the rest of us just keep adding to your collection.

Well, I would prefer to find the perfect razor on my next purchase, but the more I read, it may not be realistic. I am starting to think I am going to end up with a collection.
I got a Muhle R89 for my first razor hoping it would be my only one. I just bought my 26th tonight (in TWO WEEKS)...

The R89 is an excellent shaver and I'd highly recommend it. And it's definitely the prettiest new razor you can buy short of an ATT or Feather, in my eyes.

I JUST finished my long-awaited first shave with a Gillette Aristocrat ('46/'47 model), though, and it was incredible. Better than any shave I've had yet, with any razor. I bought it for $21 shipped (it's user-grade, but hey). If every shave from here on is that good, my RAD may be cured.

As you can tell by my post count, though, I'm just starting out, so take my input with a grain of salt.
Well, I would prefer to find the perfect razor on my next purchase, but the more I read, it may not be realistic. I am starting to think I am going to end up with a collection.

I'm with you on this one. I too hate having wasting time and money and would rather have a 'perfect' razor as well. The only problem is that of course perfect is subjective. =\ But luckily I found one that I'm really happy with. I got the Feather AS-D2 on sale and took a gamble on it because it's my first DE razor ever and the one I'm starting with. While I don't have any other DE's to compare it to I really love it. I find that even though people say it's a mild razor, I don't have heavy growth on my face so it's great (I actually shave every 3 days now because it does such an awesome job). That being said, the DE89 seems to be really popular and relatively inexpensive so why not give that a shot? It's readily available and not too costly, it might be a great step up for you!
I would not recommend any of the EJ or Merkur razors if you want one that will outlast you. They are made with pot metal heads and will not last as long as vintage or stainless ones.

The one problem with getting a perfect razor is that no one else can tell you what will be perfect for the contours of your face as well as the angle you shave with, the amount of pressure you use, or the blades you are using. That has to be you experimenting and finding out what works the best.
I would not recommend any of the EJ or Merkur razors if you want one that will outlast you. They are made with pot metal heads and will not last as long as vintage or stainless ones.

The one problem with getting a perfect razor is that no one else can tell you what will be perfect for the contours of your face as well as the angle you shave with, the amount of pressure you use, or the blades you are using. That has to be you experimenting and finding out what works the best.

+1 on the pot metals. Stainless steel or bust for me :p
Give me a brass Gillette from the 50's or earlier any day of the week! Get it replated if needed, and it will probably outlast you.

I had an EJ DE89. OK shaver, nice heft, but I like my SuperSpeeds 10x more, and they cost 1/3-1/2 of the EJ!
I would not recommend any of the EJ or Merkur razors if you want one that will outlast you. They are made with pot metal heads and will not last as long as vintage or stainless ones.

I'm not sure I completely agree with this. Any regularly-used metal object will only be as enduring as you treat it. Plate loss, scratching, and bending occurs from mistreatment and lack of cleaning. Handle it gingerly, give it a good rub-down with a cotton towel every time you change the blade, and I don't see why any chrome-plated razor wouldn't last centuries. That said, I agree it's harder to ruin an SS one, but unless you're "hard" on razors :)confused1), it's not worth the price difference solely for longevity, IMO.

Capslock said:
I just used a $10 ebay Tech this morning and got a shave that made me think that's the best razor in the world.

Sadly, I had the opposite experience with a Tech. What's that saying again? YMMV!
Well, I just picked up a Gillette super speed and I have my eye on a couple other Gillette auctions. Surprisingly, my girlfriend is supportive of this, she thinks they are neat.
Different razors work differently for different people, in my opinion I would personally recommend trying a closed comb, an open comb, and possibly a Slant and/or adjustable. From there you can refine what you like and sell/trade the rest.

Closed comb - from what I have read, tons of people love the EJ de89. I don't, but that is unusual. The Muhle R89 has the exact same head but a fancier handle (I own a R89 since I liked the handle!). I don't see a reason to buy both unless you like the different handles.

Open comb - I like my Gillette New Long Comb based on 1 shave, and my Muhle 2013 version R41. The US R41 (2011 model) is supposed to be even more aggressive and require more caution.

Slant - I'd try a Merkur since that's what I tried.

Adjustable - I have never tried these. I believe you can replace the ugly plastic knob on the Progress.

If there were a way to figure out what razor worked well ahead of time and before buying it, you wouldn't have Razor Acquisition Disorders running rampant through the board! :laugh:
Different razors work differently for different people, in my opinion I would personally recommend trying a closed comb, an open comb, and possibly a Slant and/or adjustable. From there you can refine what you like and sell/trade the rest.

Closed comb - from what I have read, tons of people love the EJ de89. I don't, but that is unusual. The Muhle R89 has the exact same head but a fancier handle (I own a R89 since I liked the handle!). I don't see a reason to buy both unless you like the different handles.

Open comb - I like my Gillette New Long Comb based on 1 shave, and my Muhle 2013 version R41. The US R41 (2011 model) is supposed to be even more aggressive and require more caution.

Slant - I'd try a Merkur since that's what I tried.

Adjustable - I have never tried these. I believe you can replace the ugly plastic knob on the Progress.

If there were a way to figure out what razor worked well ahead of time and before buying it, you wouldn't have Razor Acquisition Disorders running rampant through the board! :laugh:

Well I think I have already come down with the disorder. My tone has definitely changed since my original post in this thread anyway. I just got my Super speed today and will be shaving with it for the first time tomorrow. I also have a Gillette slim adjustable (labeled as a fatboy, but date code is K-2) and a British Aristocrat in transit. The Aristocrat is such eye candy, it will likely sit on display even if I decide it isn't the razor for me.

I like your plan though, it sounds like solid advice. I have been watching the Gillette New Long comb auctions and just havn't found one that I really like yet. I don't really understand what the Slant razors are for, but they are cheap enough I will pick one and give it a shot too.

Unfortunately, after buying all the new supplies/vintage Gillettes (mainly the eye candy below), I need to give my wallet a rest for a month or two.

The Eye Candy

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