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Pizza toppings - over or under the cheese?

Hi guys, just wondered what everyone's preference is as far as pizza toppings go - on top of the cheese, or underneath? I usually go for toppings underneath, but I forgot some onions I had cut to put on a pizza and had to throw them on a couple of minutes into the cooking process. They actually turned out to be way more flavourful put on top of the cheese as they got slightly browned, which would have otherwise been prevented by melty, gooey cheese. I think I may have been converted! So what're your favourite toppings, and where do they go?
Always under the cheese. Unless is is a Chicago style, you gotta have some sauce and tomato on top of the top layer of crust.
i prefer under the cheese myself as well..

and i tend to do it italian style if ever, very light on the toppings
I think it depends on the topping. Some toppings taste better with a little browning ( pepperoni, ham/Canadian bacon, regular bacon, chunk tomatoes etc ) I guess I prefer a combination.
We all know the correct B&B answer.

BTW, if it's under the cheese, isn't it more properly termed a bottoming?

So, I'm on the subway the other day next to a couple of college students. One mentions how he loves his new schedule because he gets out at 10am, just when the pizza joint opens. They have the good NY pizza, not the bad NY pizza. Then he mentions how they have all those pizzas that don't have names and are disgusting. If I want a fruity Thai salad, I go to a Thai joint, not a pizza joint, thank you.
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Always over the cheese for me :001_smile


I like them on top because if you pull a topping out without biting all the way through it you are not slapped with molten pizza sauce.
Depends. Some are better on top, some underneath. Onions definitely on top, they need browning so you're not overwhelmed with onion taste.
From crust to top ---> sauce, cheese, some toppings, cheese, rest of toppings
Pepperoni, jalapenos, and onions just about have to be on top. Mushrooms, olives, etc. can be anywhere.
Both, but we are generally a pepperoni only household (not MY choice). My pizzas get a loose scatter of pepperoni on top of the sauce, a thick layer of cheese, then more pepperoni. They spend the last minute or so of their oven time on broil to get the pepperoni crispy on the edges.
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