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Pivot rust on a new blade

Last night, I noticed that my new Boker had some rust in the pivot area. The razor is just over a month old. After every shave, I've wiped it clean with a towel, stropped, cleaned with rubbing alcohol and Q-Tip, and finish off by coating the blade with oil.

Due to an unexpected business trip, I was gone for two weeks. When I came back. I realized I forgot to coat the blade with oil. Now I have a bit of rust peeking out when I have the open at about 45 degrees. Any other angle and you can't see it.

What should I do? Will the pins rust and damage the blade? Will the rust spread?

I'm freaking out because I got this as a birthday gift and it means quite a lot to me.

Should I send the blade out to someone to get the rust off? If I take this route, I might send it out to Max and get some new scales on it. This looks like it needs to be unpinned in order to get to the rust.

The blade does need to be honed so this might be an option. I'm just scared of the cost :bored:

My boker is rusty at the pivot too, I dont worry about it to much mines been like that for awhile with no bad effects.
It very possibly might not worsen, but it still has the potential to--rust likes to grow. If it were mine I'd use a q tip with metal polish to get rid of the stuff you can reach. The stuff under the scales is more problematic. You can usually get rid of it if you get some metal polish between the scales and the tang and work the razor around, so the rust is abraded out by the friction and the polish. Problem with that is it can lead to the blade loosening b/c the metal that was there causing tightness is gone. If the razor feels tighter then it did before (because of the rust) this will prolly happen. But you can peen pins with a spoon and some patience, so you should be able to fix it if it happens.

This is a problem I've had a few times. I've found a good wax helps alot to prevent it. Bluing also helps alot. Thats the whole reason they used to blue tangs, I'm sure.

I wouldn't think it would add too much to your bill to have the razor unpinned and cleaned when you sent it off. Its not much work.
You can get under the scales with metal polish and dental floss. That said, it's a common problem and not likely to get worse. I would wait until the razor needs to be rescaled but it's also true that having the razor repinned is not that expensive.
I have a trailer parked on some property down on the sea of cortez. I only tell you this so you know my rust qualifications. they make a product called ACF and it not only removes rust but has the ability to creep in to affected areas. they make a similar product available at most marine stores called corrosion block but i prefer the consistency of the ACF. Is it good? it was made to be used for aircraft and is even certified for use on aircraft electronics. I cant tell you how much i marvel at this product, pick your self up a can and see how many other things you can bring back to butter smooth operation from lock up.
I try to 'blow out' the pivot area when I am done shaving. I've also thought of using one of those keyboard cleaner compressed air blower....thingies, just haven't got around to it yet.
For now, I've been cleaning the whole blade w/ rubbing alcohol. Afterwards, I coat the blade and pivot area with some blade oil.

That should keep the rust from spreading right?
You should be fine. Just keep an eye on it. Your problem started when you went on that trip, so if you're doing what you were before hand it prolly shouldnt spread. Remember alcohol is a degreaser, so you might just want to make sure the tang area is dry and apply oil there at your discretion.
Remember alcohol is a degreaser, so you might just want to make sure the tang area is dry and apply oil there at your discretion.

Didn't know alcohol was a degreaser. I usually clean w/ alcohol and dry with tissue paper before applying the oil.

I'm just glad that a small section is affected. It could have ended up being a lot worse.

Thanks for all your advice guys!
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