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Pit Stains

I've been plagued by pit stains for as long as I've been using deodorant (my older brothers forced me at about 10 or 11 years old). I had tried pretty much all the deodorant/Antiperspirants on the deodorant aisle. I used the Crystal stick for a while when I was 13-14 and it seemed to help a bit. Upon seeing a few threads mentioning issues with antiperspirants, I decided to narrow my search to a deodorant with NO AP. I found Old Spice Classic deodorant. Shortly after beginning use. I ditched ALL my old undershirts, and bought 2 packs of new ones. I've been using the OS exclusively for 2 months now, and have not noticed a SINGLE SWEAT STAIN on ANY of my undershirts!!

That's empirical enough for me!

At the same time, I also bought a stick of Stetson (no AP) at Bed Bath and Beyond, and I LOVE the scent, but it BURRRRNNNNSSS going on, so I don't use that much.

My thinking was that living in New Orleans and having no a/c in my car, I'm gonna sweat whether or not there's an antiperspirant in my deodorant.
There are two causes of these stains. First, aluminum-based antiperspirants are acidic and contain compounds that can contribute to staining. In addition, sweat has trace amounts of urea (also found in urine), and this can contribute to the dyeing of fabrics. In general, a white shirt may take on a yellowish color, and dark clothes may become lighter.Try using antiperspirants after showering in the morning and before going to bed to decrease your total sweat production. Antiperspirants work better if you do not sweat after applying. Another option is to consider getting Botox injections in your armpits. This can dramatically reduce sweating in most patients. If the yellow stains are really bothering you, stick with deodorants that have no aluminum chloride in them. Deodorants serve only to mask the odor, but will not reduce sweat production like an antiperspirant.
Silly humans... always trying to outsmart nature.

Antiperspirants work better if you do not sweat after applying

This is like saying dish washers work best if you wash your dishes by hand first. Of course, it's true... but isn't the point of antiperspirants to help you NOT sweat? Which is nature's way of cooling our bodies?
Have you noticed an increase in sweat since ditching the antiperspirant? I have tried that crystal stone. It does not work well and needs to be reapplied.
The best way is to eliminate the pit sweating in the first place.

DRYSOL is the answer. Years ago I had a similar problem, to the point of embarrassment. Couldnt wear a gray T shirt, etc. Anway at that time is was RX only from your Doctor, today I'm not sure. It itches for the first few days after that, NO SWEATY PITS!!!
I've been using any of various what I call "powder based" antiperspirants(Degree, Right Guard, Speed Stick) for over 20 years without any problems with my shirts ----look for the white sticks.

Not sure what the bias against antiperspirants is around here--straight deodorants are nasty---what caused me to change is when I used Right Guard spray I would get stained shirts and massive puss filled blackheads in my pits---you could see them and just start squeezing---amazing how much stuff would come out-----no more problems since I switched and that was 20 years ago.
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Try using antiperspirants after showering in the morning and before going to bed to decrease your total sweat production. Antiperspirants work better if you do not sweat after applying. Another option is to consider getting Botox injections in your armpits.
Living in a place as humid as New Orleans, "not sweating" is not an option. I'm a large fellow... and I sweat.

Besides, why use chemicals to stop your body from doing something it's supposed to do? That's like telling a dog to shut its mouth when it's hot.
Living in a place as humid as New Orleans, "not sweating" is not an option. I'm a large fellow... and I sweat.

Besides, why use chemicals to stop your body from doing something it's supposed to do? That's like telling a dog to shut its mouth when it's hot.

Along with using a deodorant I shave my armpits and it seems to cut down on the odor, and sweating issue. I figure it's because there is no underarm hair to get wet and trap odor due to bacteria buildup. Lately I have been using Clubman Fine Talc because Mennen Speedstick Deodorant caused me to break out in a rash. The Clubman has been giving me all day odor protection even with the warmer weather.

Along with using a deodorant I shave my armpits and it seems to cut down on the odor, and sweating issue. I figure it's because there is no underarm hair to get wet and trap odor due to bacteria buildup. Lately I have been using Clubman Fine Talc because Mennen Speedstick Deodorant caused me to break out in a rash. The Clubman has been giving me all day odor protection even with the warmer weather.


I started trimming my pit hair as well. Not shaving it all the way, just trimming it pretty short.
I'm convinced antiperspirants are the problem with pit stains for me. I always had problems with stains and buildup, on my shirts, until I switched to deodorant only. There is more maintenance with deodorant than antiperspirant. I have to apply deodorant a couple of times a day where as with the anti, it was once in the morning and that was all.

I've been using a couple of brands
Old Spice pure sport- works good but I don't completely love the scent
Tom's of maine long lasting mountain spring- doesn't last long for me(the old spice lasts longer) but the scent is pretty neutral


Needs milk and a bidet!
I just gave up entirely. I wear my white shirts under other shirts. no one sees them but me. once they start to develop noticeable pit stains I'll ditch them and buy new shirts.

surprisingly this isn't very often.
I just gave up entirely. I wear my white shirts under other shirts. no one sees them but me. once they start to develop noticeable pit stains I'll ditch them and buy new shirts.

surprisingly this isn't very often.

SWMBO sees mine... and of course... She must be obeyed. :wink2:
I agree with a couple comments above. It just doesn't seem healthy to suppress what the body is supposed to do, just to try to fit some societal "norm."

Obviously, there is a sliding scale, here. On one end is flatulence, on the other is foot-binding and the like...
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