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Pipe Razor Wedge!!

Went out antiquing with SWMBO today. Found a few cool items. She bought a burl walnut plant stand to use for dolls, and I found a Wosty! I've long since conditioned myself not to get excited by cases since they so often are not matched with the razor inside. Well, this one was! A nice Wostenholm Pipe Razor in mottled faux tortoise scales. 5/8 wedge grind with etched side that reads:

The Original and true Pipe Razor
George Wostenholm & Son

Pics attached below
Well, I spent about an hour last night with my diamond films and my glass block. I was a bit tentative after hearing how much trouble honing a wedge seems to be. The only reason I attempted this one myself was that the edge looked really good on this one. No chips, no holes, and just one little bit of staining on the bevel near the edge. So, 30 laps on the 6µm film, 60 on the 3µm, 100 on the 1µm, and a nice polish on some 0.5µm AlO paper gave me a clean, smooth, sharp, shiny edge. Gave her a spin this morning and WOW! Having never shaved with anything but a full hollow grind, this little wedge was very different. I was really amazed at how much different the feel was. It feels almost industrial as opposed the the organic, fluid flow of my hollow grinds. Not in a bad way at all, just different. The result? Great shave. Mowed down whiskers with aplomb. The lack of feedback made me wonder if everything was OK, but the result is unquestionably excellent. I'll call it $27 very well spent!
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