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Pipe and Tobacco-specific forums

Not sure if this is bad etiquette, asking about other forums here, but here goes anyways....

I love this place. It is why, where and how I got started with my pipe smoking. I've been the recipient of so much unbelievable generosity from members and getting to meet a few of you has also been a real treat. But sometimes I'm looking for a bit more detail and interest when it comes to delving into the finer points of pipe tobacco. I've even been politely brushed off by at least one member with a "Who cares, just smoke and enjoy it" type of answer to posts asking for responses regarding the minutia of different blends, types of baccy, their properties, etc. For the record, I frigging hate those "Who cares" responses to anything. I care, genius, otherwise I wouldn't have posted! And if you don't care then why are you responding?!?

Sorry, I obviously hold onto stuff too long.

Anyway, I was wondering if any of you guys visit other pipe and tobacco forums to get a bit of a different angle on your tobacco interests. I'm interested in which ones take tobacco more "seriously" (as in, in-depth consideration, not straight-faced tight arses) and where there is a minimum of pompous, self-righteous, "inner-circle" types. I'm aware of Pipe Smokers Forum, Brothers of Briar, Pipes Magazine Forum, Puff, and Tamp & Puff. From a brief time spent lurking, it seems that Tamp and Puff is a lot more open and welcoming to new members. It also seems more tolerant of different opinions and of less polished types of characters who might make the odd off-colour remark or use gruff language... which actually suites me just fine. I've read about some forum(s) banning people for ridiculous reasons. That is the kind of place I'm trying to avoid.

Any suggestions or comments? Other than "Who cares."
Im a member of pipesmokersforum.com under the same user name. From what I have beard it is one of the best. I like the people of B&B better, but we cant trade tobacco here though.
Im a member of pipesmokersforum.com under the same user name. From what I have beard it is one of the best.

I am a member there as well, and under the same. Seems rather non-snobbish to me, as there are a lot of people there who embrace (and love) corn cob pipes. There's even an entire sub-forum dedicated to them. There is also a sub-forum for over the counter tobaccos.

Both of these would be avenues that a more snobbish forum would write off as "junk".
Cool. I know Connor (conroygc) from here is also a member of pipesmokersforum.com, so that seems like a good one for me to try out. I guess ultimately it doesn't really matter how much I "like" the members there, as it won't be a homebase for me like B&B is. It'll be more about getting and sharing tobac info., looking for trades, etc.

I'd still like to heard about y'alls opinions on various other pipe/tobac forums.
I am on Pipemagazine.com, they are a good bunch of guys there Blade Boy and a few others are members there as well. As for cigars I have heard some negative stuff about Puff regarding people posting about Cuban cigars. I am on Canadiancigarforum.com which is fairly new and caters to Canadians that love smoking cigars and pipes.
I've seen Blade Boy's presence on a couple other related forums, too. Must be at least one of the reasons for his knack of finding difficult to obtain blends. But after lurking in some other pipe forums, it's become apparent that his TAD is a relatively benign case. I've seen posts from guys who boast of having 60 tins of Mac Baren Old Dark Fired, 20-something tins of the elusive Butera Kingfisher, and upwards of five pounds each of Stonehaven and Penzance. If I can't find even one tin of any of those then I figure I need to expand my forum activity and start hustlin'.
I've seen Blade Boy's presence on a couple other related forums, too. Must be at least one of the reasons for his knack of finding difficult to obtain blends. But after lurking in some other pipe forums, it's become apparent that his TAD is a relatively benign case. I've seen posts from guys who boast of having 60 tins of Mac Baren Old Dark Fired, 20-something tins of the elusive Butera Kingfisher, and upwards of five pounds each of Stonehaven and Penzance. If I can't find even one tin of any of those then I figure I need to expand my forum activity and start hustlin'.

If you have 5 pounds of both Stonehaven and Penzance then they have way to much free time to scour the net! I have work to do. I got the email from Iwan Ries To say it was in stoke but couldn't check until I got home from work and most assuredly it was sold out
If you have 5 pounds of both Stonehaven and Penzance then they have way to much free time to scour the net! I have work to do. I got the email from Iwan Ries To say it was in stoke but couldn't check until I got home from work and most assuredly it was sold out

I recently read a thread on another forum about tobacco notifications. They were comparing the times of their notifications, times of finalizing purchases, and times of confirmation emails. These guys are so ravenous that it's now a matter minutes (single digit minutes), not hours or days. They're both getting the notification and placing the order on their smart phones. Apparently there was a small batch of Stonehaven about a week ago at smokingpipes, and I believe that if you dragged your *** and took more than five minutes to hit the BUY button, you missed out. So, yeah, I'd say it is having a bit too much time on your hands along with being an iPhone ninja. Incidentally, I have yet to recieve a notification from Iwan Ries for any of the 10 or so tobacs I'm signed up for(???). And I can't even register for Smokingpipes' notification system for some mysterious and maddening technical reason. So with that, and the fact that I have a cheap phone instead of a smart phone, I'm already behind in the game and that's another reason I'm looking to get some play on forums dedicated to tobacco and pipes. Once in awhile a kindly soul will post about a shipment of Balkan Sobranie or something similar (after he's maxed out his own order, of course) and hopefully I'll be in the right place at the right time.
I'm a member of pipesmokersforum as well (different user name) and there is just an incredible amount of information and it's really laid back and friendly. There's quite a few crossover members from what I've seen from B&B to there. I guess us gents who long for the traditional ways seem to find each other.
I can be found under the same user-name at PipesMagazine, PipeSmokers.uk, PipeSmokersForum, Tamp and Puff, Brothers of the Briar, and PipeChat.org. I also pen reviews under my proper name (Adam Smith) for the PipesMagazine home-page.
As for cigars, snuff, and other tobacco products, I use the same handle at CigarChronicles, E-Cig.com and snuffhouse.org.
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