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Pinaud Clubman Hairgel. is it worth it?

I've been hearing alot about this stuff, it being a great product and all. I wear a pretty slicked looking side part, or sometimes I pomp it up. I havent found any water soluble pomades/gels that I liked so far, and I've thought about giving it a try. I've been using Dax w Lanolin and Dax Wave and Groom and they're perfect, but I want a water soluble product to use when I can't feel all greasy.

Would it give me the look I'm looking for?
I usually go for a softer look without grease or shine so most of the time I use Brylcreem or Groom&Clean but when I'm going out and want a hold I use Pinaud Clubman Gel. It gives your hair a light hold with a tad shine and it doesn't feel greasy to me at all. It has a bit of an older smell to it but I liken it to a fresh barbershop haircut smell.
I found it to be a solid product but once I finished I didn't go back (use a pomade now). Good value for the money so worth a try if you are gel guy.
Four days ago (Saturday) my wife brought home a jar for me. She saw two jars on the clearance shelf at a local Wal-green's pharmacy. She actually bought it as a gag, because she hates my Pinaud aftershaves. Anyway, I used it the next day and loved it. I went back to the store yesterday to see if they still had the other jar but it had been sold. I guess someone else couldn't pass up paying $2.75 for a great hair gel.
I use the regular Clubman green hair gel. There's also a yellow super hold version, which I've never tried. Clubman gel is the best gel I've used. It's cheap, smells great, goes on pretty clean, and doesn't result in a gelled-looking hairstyle.
I have it and use it (Clubman green hair gel) frequently. Very good hold but use sparingly. I just dip a couple finger tips into the gel and rub through my (thin) hair. Dries and holds nicely w/o any greasy or sticky results.
This is my preferred hair product. I have a short Ivy League haircut (60's look and dry not 30's/40's) with side part. I use this gel sparingly, combing it in to slghtly dampened hair. When the gel dries after a few minutes, I lightly use a hairbrush. This leaves me with with my hair under control in the typical wind here yet without a noticeable shine. If you use a lot and don't brush or comb after drying, you will likely end up with a shine and helmet head. I much prefer this product over pomades, Groom & Clean (longtime user), etc. but YMMV. I've used a number of different shampoos, currently Sally's Paul Mitchell Tea Tree clone, Pantene Pro-V, etc. and they all easily wash this product out.
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It is a good value product; lots of gel for the money, good old time scent, but it is just like Dep gel or generic gels that I have tried. It gives good hold and that wet look but I wouldn't expect any large difference from the gel that you are currently using.
I've used Groom n Clean and Brylcreem but "The Boss" didn't like the smell of either. I use a big splash of Vitalis while my hair's still wet from the shower, brush it and let it dry
This is good stuff. I picked up a jar because the local Walgreens had it on closeout for $2.49. Tried it, loved the Clubman scent and hold for my spiky-do, then went back and bought 3 more for my boys and I. I'm wondering if Pinaud is discontinuing the product in this 16 oz. jar form altogether as it was on closeout. I'm thinking they may be going to the 4 oz. standup tube that they also have on the market. They could charge the same (or close to it) and sell more product in the long run.


The Lather Maestro
I use the green gel, have for about 30 years. I put it on damp hair after my shower in the morning, but when I get to the office, I run a comb through my hair to knock down the gloss and stiff look and it looks like I have not used any gel at all. I love the green.

I sent some yellow to Marco in Italy and he really likes that. He tried the green but not enough hold for him. I think both products are good.
I use the regular gel. Great bang for your buck, and it is very easy to wash out. I have to use something or else my hair looks really frizzy(?) I think that is the word.
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