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Pimp my Sensor

So, i recently became a headshaver.

My first few headshaves were with a Feather DX straight.

The next few with a variety of cheapo disposables.

Next up was a Weber ARC.

I do like the autopilot feature that the disposables have for shaving where you can't see behind your head.

So, I found an old Sensor handle in my medicine cabinet,

and customized it with a 65g hand turned stainless steel handle.

It aint no bulldog handle, more like a rabid dog mongrel.

We'll see how the $2 a pop Sensor carts work on my noggin tomorrow morn...

The P+G should have commissioned you to help with their commerative Fusion handles for their endorsed athletes as opposed to whoever they choseto create the jewel encrusted monstrosities seen on one of the other posts.:biggrin1:
Man, why'd you post that? I actually still use Sensors, along with Schick Injectors. Now I want one.

Oops, unintentional enabling, sorry. They do look nice, especially with the black carts matching the black trim. The Sensors always had an understated look. They effect might not be so pleasing with the gray sensor excel carts. The Mach 3 & Fusion ones look less easy on the eye. Just looked again, Fusion handles 190 euro. Seraphim, you could be onto a winner!
That's pretty sweet! Surely you can make just a "few" more...

I'm surprised.

I thought I'd catch derision and mocking for my use of a dreaded cartridge. Not accolades and clamoring for putting it into production.

I'll see what I can do....
Seems like 2 blades is the max for love on a cart. The Sensor and Trac II/Atra don't seem to get much hate 'round here. But if the Mach 3 or higher is mentioned, forget about it! Great handle, looks like you can shave or just bludgeon the hairs on the back of your head to death!

I'm surprised.

I thought I'd catch derision and mocking for my use of a dreaded cartridge. Not accolades and clamoring for putting it into production.

I'll see what I can do....
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