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PIF: VDH Badger Brush

So, I had this brush PIF'd to me by our very own chrisf8657. Shortly thereafter I bought a whipped dog silvertip brush, and that along with my EJ pure badger brush have become my mainly used brushes. I still even have the box.

So, I have decided to re-PIF this brush to a new home. Nothing to do, just say you want it. I'll pick a number randomly at the end of the week (Friday, April 19th) and the winner gets this nice brush. I'll toss in a few Mama Bears soap samples as well.

Rules: None really, just say 'I'm in!' Just like when I got it, winner pays for shipping. It's a great brush, but it holds a little too much water for me. See my review here

Good brush, I just prefer others.


To whomever gets the brush -

This is the low end of badger brushes. Good to see how you like them, and If you don't like the brush, there are better ones.

Thanks go to scboch for re-PIFing the brush.
Im in. If I get it I am sending it to a buddy that just got into DE shaving and he has my poor old tweezerman atm.
I'm in....if I will this will be PIF'd to my brother who will be getting a care package of a like new EJ89 some colonol conks soap and a blade sampler. Trying to convert him from an electric shave to a DE shaver.
I'm in! If I get this I'd love to give it to my Dad whom I'm buying a DE Set for Father's Day. I recently have been talking to him about DE shaving and all of the positives that go along with it and he says he's ready to turn away from the Dark Side of Disposables.

Thanks again for re-PIF!
Ok. With the most recent response being several days ago, I'm ending the pif early... I'll go to a random number generator now, and do 5 generations including the post numbers. Whatever the 5th generation is, will be the winner... See you all in a few moments...
Ok, lucky winner is post 11. Studdmstr!!!!!! Expect a pm, and CONGRATS!
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Wow I never win anything! Thank you very much and I've PM'd you the contact info. I'm looking forward to trying this bad boy out before I PIF to my brother with the starter care package.
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