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PIF: I Love Youse Guys/Gals


Needs milk and a bidet!
*********PIF CLOSED******* WINNER CHOSEN******

I love youse guys/gals so take all this stuff! To show my appreciation for everyone here I want to give one lucky winner a whole bunch of goodies.

The goodies up for grabs:

  • VDH boar brush: it was my first brush, I used it often
  • Williams mug soap: I used this maybe 3 times.
  • Nivea creme 50ml: used twice
  • Shave Secret oil: maybe 70% left?
  • Sean John Unforgivable cologne: 75% left?
  • DE blades: 15 Derby, 20 SuperMax Super Stainless. brand new
  • Schick Injector 'G' w/1 unused blade (maybe 2 unused blades but I can't tell, darn eyes)
  • Schick band razor: I've got 2 more don't need 3.
  • Gem push button SE

This will be CONUS. Shipped free to your door.

The rules

I'm am seeking a degree Zoology and random animal facts have always interested me. Without using a search engine tell me one random fact about one random animal. This must come from your own knowledge. A basic fact or a really bizarre fact, what ever you know.

And now the photos:

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I'm in. I feel like any facts I know about animals, someone seeking a degree in zoology would already know but here goes nothing: There's a lake in Russia that's frozen over for most of the year that's home to hundreds of exclusive marine species such as shrimp, fish, and other underwater creatures. They are found nowhere else in the world. There was an entire episode about it(or at least most of an episode) on BBC's Life documentary series. I thought it was pretty fascinating.


Needs milk and a bidet!
I'm in. I feel like any facts I know about animals, someone seeking a degree in zoology would already know but here goes nothing: There's a lake in Russia that's frozen over for most of the year that's home to hundreds of exclusive marine species such as shrimp, fish, and other underwater creatures. They are found nowhere else in the world. There was an entire episode about it(or at least most of an episode) on BBC's Life documentary series. I thought it was pretty fascinating.
my goal wasn't to learn anything new with this :001_cool: just to have fun and do something different.

BTW i knew that :biggrin1:

Since you are the first entry you will get a few random DE blades out of my "random DE blades" stash. (hope you have a DE razor)
Great PIF! Count me out, but I still will share one fact. A zookeeper once told me that zebras are one of the most vicious and mean animals. She said that she actually preferred being in an enclosure with a lion or tiger instead. She also stated that is why you never see zebras being used like horses, they are near-impossible to domesticate and actually get meaner with age.
Not in, but great PIF.

Random animal fact: When paleontologists working in the Burgess Shale in BC found a small animal with a bulbous head that looked to have a series of tubes on it's back and long spikes for walking on, they called it Hallucigenia as they had never seen something that freaky before. Then years later, they figured they might have got it upside down :)
Not in.

there are a ton of Canadian geese near me, so 2 facts that I will share.

-each goose produces 1.5 pounds of poop per day
-they mate for life

you guys in Canada- please take your geese back!
I'm in! My dad is a master falconer so I have been around allot of birds of prey and otherwise. One interesting thing for me was when I raised a baby swallow when I was younger and discovered that they cast just like a bird of prey, I guess I should have know that the grasshopper exoskeletons wouldn't digest. To continue the story I let it fly free in mt room and fed it on moths ( which made no castings) and grasshoppers, when it got older I would set it (never sexed it) in a bush while I caught the grasshoppers and one day to my surprise it flew by me in sweeping motions and was learning to hunt for itself. I was hacking it back to the wild and it was flying around and being social with the local group getting ready to migrate. I could walk outside, squeak at the group and it would fly down and take a grasshopper or moth out of my fingers and fly off. Now the ending :sad: He was incredibly tame and use to sit on the fences and other very low to the ground objects and one day while sitting around our tom cat made a meal of him and he was no more. I never repeated this experiment with a swallow again but have hacked many kestrels and a red-tail or two.
I am in and thank you for the offer! I have heard that there is really no such thing as a black panther...it is a black leopard!
I am in. I don't know how interesting or little know this fact is, but lizards and bats are useful mosquito control techniques here in Texas... people build "bat houses" in trees to attract bats since bats eat a lot of mosquitos. Seems like the cure is worse that the ailment in both cases... bat guano carries germs and even the darn lizards poop all over the places (sides of my house, interior of my garage, even onto my car). OK, maybe not that interesting... but hopefully gets me into the PIF. :thumbup1:

OK, reading the other entries so far, my poop facts are not that interesting... I am not worthy, so not in. :blush:
The cow has 4 stomachs and will regurgitate grass from it's 1st stomach back into it's mouth to chew it again to get more nutrients out of it and then when it swallows it again, it goes into a different stomach.

Eh, I probably should know more having grown up on a dairy farm, but that's all I can think of.
Things I know about animals...they don't shave.
When a house cat MEOW'S it is imitating human speech.
Tarantulas will throw the hair off there abdomen when they feel threatened, they are barbed and extremely irritating to eyes nose and throat.
A Vulture when threatened will throw up on you.
My neighbor's dog hates me.
Neat idea.

When wolves mate, they get stuck together for a half hour or more due to extreme swelling of the male's part. This helps insure that the mating is effective.

It sounds like a disclaimer for an impotence drug; you know, the ones that help sell the product. Instead of "after four hours seek medical attention" - "if you can't get apart, call 911".
I am in and thank you for the offer! I have heard that there is really no such thing as a black panther...it is a black leopard!

True! The Genus of the big cats is named Panthera. The big 4 are:
Panthera leo - Lions
Panthera onca - Jaguars
Panthera pardus - Leopards (AKA: cougar, mountail lion, puma, panther). A melanistic leopard = a black panther.
Panthera tigris - Tigers

I'm not in but here are my random animal facts. I just love this stuff!

The longest sperm in nature belongs to the fruit fly (Drosophila bifurca) and it is about 2 inches long. In human perspective, that would be the equivalent of about 100ft!

Also, tarantulas are known for being hairy. But just how hairy? They can have up to 10,000 setae per square centimeter. And setae are not technically hairs (hair implies mammal), they are considered bristles.
Neat idea.

When wolves mate, they get stuck together for a half hour or more due to extreme swelling of the male's part. This helps insure that the mating is effective.

It sounds like a disclaimer for an impotence drug; you know, the ones that help sell the product. Instead of "after four hours seek medical attention" - "if you can't get apart, call 911".
all dogs do this actually, commonly know as a dog knot


Needs milk and a bidet!
Love the facts so far! keep em coming!

I'm in! My dad is a master falconer so I have been around allot of birds of prey and otherwise. One interesting thing for me was when I raised a baby swallow when I was younger and discovered that they cast just like a bird of prey, I guess I should have know that the grasshopper exoskeletons wouldn't digest. To continue the story I let it fly free in mt room and fed it on moths ( which made no castings) and grasshoppers, when it got older I would set it (never sexed it) in a bush while I caught the grasshoppers and one day to my surprise it flew by me in sweeping motions and was learning to hunt for itself. I was hacking it back to the wild and it was flying around and being social with the local group getting ready to migrate. I could walk outside, squeak at the group and it would fly down and take a grasshopper or moth out of my fingers and fly off. Now the ending :sad: He was incredibly tame and use to sit on the fences and other very low to the ground objects and one day while sitting around our tom cat made a meal of him and he was no more. I never repeated this experiment with a swallow again but have hacked many kestrels and a red-tail or two.

I have a similar story. When I was around 12 I had a pet rabbit. I kept it outside in a rabbit cage and raised it from a kit (baby rabbit, not a store bought rabbit growing kit). Well it got big and i got lazy and so i decided to let it go. We lived out in the country with fields and forests all around so I thought what harm could this be, fields forests a rabbits paradise! Well we also had an outside hound dog.....that apparently had an appetite for rabbits. Few days of freedom was all that poor rabbit saw.

I am in and thank you for the offer! I have heard that there is really no such thing as a black panther...it is a black leopard!
yup. also kind of depends where in the world it is. Could be black jaguar!

I am in. I don't know how interesting or little know this fact is, but lizards and bats are useful mosquito control techniques here in Texas... people build "bat houses" in trees to attract bats since bats eat a lot of mosquitos. Seems like the cure is worse that the ailment in both cases... bat guano carries germs and even the darn lizards poop all over the places (sides of my house, interior of my garage, even onto my car). OK, maybe not that interesting... but hopefully gets me into the PIF. :thumbup1:

OK, reading the other entries so far, my poop facts are not that interesting... I am not worthy, so not in. :blush:

hogwash! you're in.
bat guano is also a very good fertilizer. Collect it and sprinkle it about your garden.

A Vulture when threatened will throw up on you.
Snakes do this...but it comes out the other end.
The most pure form of whale oil is spermaceti, which is retained in the massive cranium of only one type of whale.. You guessed it, Sperm whale! Inside their heads, spermaceti is a pure, clear liquid, but when whalers cracked the skulls open, the oil quickly oxidized and became a murky white. Thus giving this particular species of whale it's name.

thanks for the PIF!
I'm in.

Crows are incredibly intelligent. For example, if one is shot over a farm, multiple generations of crows will often avoid that farm.
Also, a flock of crows is called a murder.
I'm NOT in, but good luck with your degree.

Due to a bottleneck event hundreds of years ago, Cheetahs have an incredibly invariant gene pool (low genetic variation). They are so genetically similar that you can take an organ from apparently unrelated members and swap them with a 95% success rate.

While this may help them be incredibly successful in their current environmental niche, the low variation means that they are highly unlikely to adapt to any changes in their environment.

Source: My first degree was in Genetics.
I'm in. Nice PIF!
The Platypus is a mammal but lays eggs.

Also, Possums don't like being held by the tail! (They can also secrete an oil that gives off a foul aroma to give the appearance of decomposition, aiding in them "playing possum".
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