Soon after I joined this board just over a year ago, I received, via PIF, an Ever-Ready SE Safety Razor from drews50. I have used it often, but it is now time for me to pass it on. In honor of drews50's Marine son I want to PIF this razor to an active duty military person. I will also add a starter kit from CVS Pharmacy that includes a bowl, brush, and a puck of soap.
If you are interested, please simply reply in this thread stating that you want to be included. A winner will be selected randomly next Sunday, July29 and the package will be sent soon thereafter, Conus only. If you ever dispose of the razor, you must also PIF it instead of selling it.
If you are interested, please simply reply in this thread stating that you want to be included. A winner will be selected randomly next Sunday, July29 and the package will be sent soon thereafter, Conus only. If you ever dispose of the razor, you must also PIF it instead of selling it.