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Pick my poison.....

Alright, here's the backstory. I just got my first Feather's in the mail from WCS.com and will shave with them when I get home. Shaved yesterday morning, so beard is fairly light. I have been using Red Pack Israeli Personnas. With my Ball End Tech, I get DFS to near BBS with those blades. I also have a Hoffritz Slant that I've been getting BBS (if I pay attention to touch-up).

So, here's the dilema, having never used Feathers, do I start with them in the Tech or go straight to the Slant? I like the gentleness of the Tech, but admire the efficiency of teh Slant. I'll be going home from work in 20 mins, does anyone care to chime in their opinion? Thanks!
Atlanta huh? Howdy neighbor!

Use which ever one you feel you have the best technique with! I think you'll find your touch up issue decreases when you use the feather.
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Slant and feather is my weapon of choice.

Think about this...your Clark Griswold on your drive home and...enjoy the video, but go to 4:20:

Shaved yesterday morning, so beard is fairly light.

Normally, I'd recommend using them in the Tech. If you find yourself comfortable with that setup, then you could upgrade to the Feather/Slant combination. If not, then you're happy you didn't butcher yourself with the Slant. However, the fact that it's been more than 24 hours and your beard is fairly light tells me that you're probably not prone to irritation, in which case I recommend to go for the Feather/Slant pairing now. Good luck! :001_cool:
I'd say the tech. While I haven't used a slant, I know that I have a low tolerance for feathers. If I put them in too aggressive a razor, they start taking my skin with my beard. But, if you're using a slant, your technique's probably better than mine anyway. Just my 2¢.
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