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Personna Twin Blades/Walmart

So I went to my local Walmart to stock up on some more Personna Twin Blades w/o the lube strip. Go to find out they're no long selling any Personna brand replacement blades....what the heck?

anyone else with this issue?
They've made cutbacks in the shaving department. They've also dropped their support for Van der Hagan as well. Your best bet would be the pharmacy now.
My Wal-Mart (here in Michigan) has dropped both the Personna Twin II, and Auto Plus blades in favor of a Personna combo blade that works with both the Trac II, and Atra.

They are no longer selling the VDH kit, but do still sell the VDH Deluxe soap.
I was in Wal-mart picking up something else and cruised the shaving aisle out of curiosity . . . they had no soaps, no brushes, and no DE blades whatsoever. (This was a so-called 'neighborhood market', somewhat smaller than the usual Wal-Mart). In my area, Walgreen's is still stocking the Personnas as well as a couple of soaps -- including, I think, VDH and William's (maybe it was Colgate). Other national drug store chains would likely be similar. Of course, a gently aged, locally owned pharmacy would be best of all: any place that has been serving the same customers for decades.

Also check the category "barber supply shop" in your Yellow Pages. They always have DE blades, soaps, and brushes (although some cater exclusively to licensed barbers/stylists).
Yesterday, I stopped by my local "Neighborhood Market" and noticed ALL of the Personna brand items were in the clearance aisle. This included the DE's, the Atra/Trac II combo cards and the Twin II Atra carts. Looks like they downsized the shaving section. And yes...all the local Wal-Marts here in NW Arkansas have stopped carrying the Personna Twin II lube-less carts. :thumbdown
Check if DrugStore.com has them. Their service is amazing and first time customers get free shipping ($25 minimum order).

No, I do not work for them.

I checked drugstore.com (I use them for a lot of things) and the only DE Blades they carry are Wilkinson Sword. Same as my local Bed Bath & Beyond... my local Wal-Mart has decreased their shaving supplies and now even lock up all their razor stuff... but they still have the Personnas, at least for now...
My Wal-Mart (here in Michigan) has dropped both the Personna Twin II, and Auto Plus blades in favor of a Personna combo blade that works with both the Trac II, and Atra.

They are no longer selling the VDH kit, but do still sell the VDH Deluxe soap.

Same here in Oakland County.

- Chris

[Edit: The DE blades are still there.]
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That's interesting. I stocked up on a couple extra sets of the lube-less Twin IIs last time I was there.

The Auto Plus cartridges are crap, in my opinion, so if they go away I don't really care.

I really like the Gillette Atra cartridges. Yes, they have the lube strip, but the blades are very sharp and quite smooth. My local BB&B still sells them in 10-packs for $10.99. Yes, it's 3 times what the Personnas cost, but they're EASILY three times the blade.
In Kalamazoo Michigan, Walmart DE blades are gone. There was one solitary VDH soap, no brush. Meijer still have some products, but their DE blades are overpriced.
Personally, I prefer the Gillette Trac II blades to the Personna Twin II blades. I just find the Gillette's, made who knows where, much sharper than the Twin IIs. But, I have used non-lube strip Twin II because they were so cheap and they are usable for about 2-3 shaves. So, I had to try the new Personna Twin Pivot Plus blades. And If you like the Twin II lube strip or no lube strip you will probably like the new Personna Twin Pivot plus made for both Trac II and Atra razors now sold at Walmart. First off, the lube strip is a non-factor, it does not get gooey like Gillette lube strips and I could hardly tell it was there. The shave is very similar to the no-lube Twin II - IMHO - ok but, not the best.
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