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Personna Lab Sample PIF!

Long story short I thought Labs were my "blade heaven" until I RE-discovered Astra SP's! Both blades feel very sharp to me, but the Astra is just way smoother...at least for me! Anyways, I have over 100 Personna Labs that are collecting dust in my room. PM me your address and I will send you 5! I get free postage since I'm in the sandbox, so I will send them to you guys until I run out, or get sick of filling out envelopes! I might try to throw 10 in an envelope to make it go quicker. Enjoy!
Wow...think Ive got about 10 PM's since I posted this! Thats good though! I want to get rid of them especially to people who have never tried them. Everyone who PM'ed me will have some sent out! It will take a bit to get to you however. At most two weeks. So keep your eyes out!
Great! Nice of you to do this. I have been wanting to try them as well. I am going through my sample pack and like the Personna reds the best so far.
Very nice PIF! Pass mine to a newb or anyone still looking for a great blade. I list the Personna Lab and Astra SP as my two "top" or "go-to" blades. I can't tell which is my favorite. Both are great blades for me and I am working through 100 packs of each. Both these edged out Wikies, Red IPs and Crystals.
I'd love to try them. Have tried Meds, IPs, Reds and Barbers. Only missing the Labs to complete my trial of modern Personnas.

Tried to PM you but your box is full.
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I bought a sample pack last month, but it didn't contain any kind of Personna blade. I'd like to try a few, but it seems your inbox is full, so I can't send you a message.
Would be happy to send you some Astra SPs for your Personnas! I'm in the opposite situation - prefer Personnas, have a bunch of Astras, but since I'm here I can send APO to APO for free!
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