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Personna 74 Journal

I loaned one of my rare razors to a person who wanted to try it, not expecting anything in return. Well, I got an awesome surprise today when I got my razor back: an unopened pack of Personna P74s!

I've never had a chance to try these before and am excited about going a month on one blade. It'll be a little bit before I start my journal; I just started with a new Polsilver a few days ago. I just have to figure out which razor to use. I was thinking either my Merkur Futur or my Muhle 2011 R41.

Anyone else had a chance to try these?

They are awesome blades for sure but don't be disappointed if you don't get 30 shaves on a blade. With my beard I get around fifteen great shaves per blade, and to me thats just outstanding longevity.
I ended up quitting after 15 shaves with the P-74...it could have gone longer, but it was certainly taking more work to get the job done. Absolutely amazing blade, however. Enjoy the journey, James...I recall some really sharp early shaves, and it peaked (for me) around 7-10.

Todd R.
So I finally got around to opening up the package and trying one of these bad boys yesterday morning.

The blades were stuck together.

I had the hardest time sliding the top blade out of the package. Even after getting a collar stay to push on the end of the top blade, it wouldn't slide out at all. I ended up having to disassemble the blade tray and lift the top blade from the rest. Maybe the little bit of glue hardened over the years.

P74s are sharper than Polsilvers but just as smooth.


My favorite blades are the Polsilvers shown above. I've found thm to be sharper than Personna Medical Preps while being just as smooth. Also, they're almost as sharp as Feather blades but much smoother. I don't get any irritation when using my Muhle 2011 R41 with a Polsilver, unlike with a Feather.

The P74s, to me, seemed just a bit sharper than the Polsilvers. It's been over a year since I've used Feathers but the P74s seem as sharp as a Feather too but much smoother; I didn't get any irritation while using it with a Muhle 2011 R41.

Thanks for reading. I'll get pictures up of the razor. I really want to get pictures of my setup each day too.
Not much to say. The blade was still super sharp. I got a chance to try the Strop Shoppe's soap for the first time, Baker Street. It's pretty good stuff and very slick. I think I had the slightest bit of irritation.
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All the P74's stick together at least the packages I have. I've separated blades, put mineral oil on each one, and put them back in the holder. Now they don't stick together anymore.
It's the 10th calendar day but only the eighth shave. I think I skipped last Sunday, 9/15/2013, and Wednesday, 9/18/2013.

Not much to say today either but these blades are pretty unforgiving in the Muhle 2011 R41 just like Feathers. I'm getting a bit of irritation all over my face after I shave. With the Polsilvers or Personna Medical Preps, they're smoother and a lot more forgiving so I don't get any irritation at all.

I'm not doing anything different prep-wise and my lather quality has been really good so I can only assume it's the change in blade.
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