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Personna 74 Injector blade...Needs a stake through the heart

To finally kill it.

I got the blade from pcullens in his creative and generous Magnificent Seven PIF. I've been shaving with it since then, in rotation. I grab the injector for quick shaves, sometimes for to touch up a spot I missed with another razor.

At the rate this is going, about two shaves a week, I might have this blade in that razor for months to come. It's spooky.

Makes you wonder why they can't do this today....
I have been using my Personna 74 (also from the Magnificent Seven PIF) in a Schick Injector Type L for the last two weeks (took a break to use my Trac II, and a straight on two days). It is currently at shave #16, and really shows no signs of stopping. AMAZING!! :w00t::w00t:

Makes you wonder why they can't do this today....

I am at shave #16 on this blade. Today will be shave #17. I am trying to determine at what point this blade will finally die, but to be honest the test has become a little boring. I am sure I can get 20 shaves from this blade no problem. Perhaps a person with a high pain threshold could get 30 shaves from one blade. That means they would have to buy a mere 12 blades a year!! :blink::blink:

As I understand it, Personna discovered back in the 1970's that developing a product that causes your customer to buy your product less often is not a very sound business decision. :lol::lol:

So while it's very possible to develop a long lasting blade, such a blade doesn't fit in very well with the "razors and blades" marketing model (give the razor away, and make your profit on the replacement blades). In order for razors and blades marketing to work best, you need to sell a lot of replacement blades.
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Shave #18 today, with the Personna 74. It was noticeably tugging today, and I got two nice weepers on my upper lip. It's done. :w00t: Still 18 nice quality shaves is nothing to sneeze at. :biggrin1:
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