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Period Space or Period Space Space

I do a lot of writing at work and I do even more proof reading and editing. One of my pet peeves is seeing only a single space after the end of sentence punctuation/end marks. I don't consider myself old (early 40s), but lately it seems the generations after me are being taught that it is acceptable to use only one space after an end mark. All the reputable grammar guides say the same thing. It is okay to use one space after a period, question mark, or exclamation mark. Okay, so it's acceptable...it still irritates the ever-living-crap out of me. I still correct the writing as such as I prefer. I have even noticed that word processing software is also formatting as such. I consider the fine Ladies and Gents of Badger & Blade the most intelligent in all the land. What say you!
space space

How do you feel about the oxford comma [mods feel free to delete if this gets to heated :lol:]

Oh, I think I have already started a thread on that a while back. But to answer your question...if you are not using the Oxford Comma in the English language...well then, you just ain't writing English!
Well, I do only use the single space after a period. I don't know if that was something that I learned in school (I'm only 22) but I do remember them telling us something similar to it being technically correct to use two but that we don't have to, and we were never corrected. I do, however, use the Oxford comma!
Two spaces and I use the Oxford comma, which causes me to butt heads with my boss after she edits something I've written.
I'm on the edge of being 40, so my schooling, I would think, would have been similar, and I never was taught double spacing anything. Single space my entire life.

That said, what drives me nuts about peoples writing is grammar. I am NOT the best with grammar, but oh my, the things that pass through my office!! I've come to ignore spelling because literally everyone's spelling is so bad, but the grammar!! I got a really good note the other day from someone asking for some stock. All caps and all!

I just recently finished my degree and it seems the more acceptable approach is single space following punctuation. Personally, I don't care. It works either way.

Of all the problems in the world, space count seems to rank right up there with salted vs. unsalted butter.


Wanting for wisdom
vBulletin removes any second spaces so here we are stuck with one. We are for the most part beyond typewriters with monospaced fonts that require two spaces to help readability. One space is fine with me.
Their are only too things that bother me, but I try and not let them bother me to much.


Two spaces is news to me. (I'm 51) I like to think that I'm not a grammar/spelling buffoon. Ah well...learn something new everyday.space space
Wow, at 70 I don't ever remember using double space after periods or an Oxford comma. I was taught by nuns in grade school in the 1950's, so spelling has always been my pet peeve. Even at my age I can adjust to a double space after a period, but I doubt I can use an Oxford comma without it driving me crazy.
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