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Perfection hone...

I just bought a honeing stone from an antique store... The stone itself Is smooth and brick red in color on the top it says perfection stamped into the stone the box it came for reads "These hones are an improvment over all artificial stones heretofore on the market. They will produce quickly a very fine durable edge on the most delicate steel instruments and razors. They are Manufactured on scientific principles from the finest of materials, contain no veins or irregular formations in the stone and remain in first-class condition for any number of years. Should, after long use the hone require cleaning rub surface lightly with fine emery paper. To avoid a wire edge on razors do not over hone four or five strokes are sifficient. Water or oil can be used on these hones."

Anyone heard of perfection honing stones? Can I use this on my straight?
I have used one.

Actually I tried two or three different ones. One was called a Swaty one was called an "Itsapeech" and the third one I forget the name.

They work best for sharpening a razor that has gone dull through normal daily shaving. For touching up a dulling blade. When your razor is starting to pull after stropping, five laps on one of the old barbers hones will refresh the edge.

About 100 years ago, if you owned a straight razor, you would have also owned one of those hones or a leather strop with carborundum grit embedded in it. Both items performed the same touch up role and this process together with a good leather strop would keep a razors edge sharp for a long long time.

What thay are not good at is trying to rehone or rebevel a razor.

Hope that helps.
Thanks have you ever used one??? Pictures coming soon...

I've used a Swaty and a Noxall. There are many different types of barber hones but they are all pretty similar. Try touching up your razor like English said, following the instructions to not do more than 4 or 5 laps and see how it goes. I think it should work fine.
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