i've been paying attention to men's shaves on movies and TV and it seems like their shaves are ridiculously perfect. any ideas how they do it?
And then there's Brett Favre...
And then there's Brett Favre...
I find myself doing the same thing in front of the TV or in a movie theater.
I went to see some English period film a few months ago with my wife - I can't remember which - but one of the actors had some serious blemishes / ingrowns on his lower neck and there was no effort to cover them up aside from the extra frilly shirt collar. Not attractive, by any means, but at least the imperfections were allowed to stay and be seen in all their glory.
Interesting as I watched Sherlock Holmes I paid attention to the stubble. Holmes always had some beard growth, Watson had less but was never freshly shaved. Stubble did play a small role in the movie....Im assuming they used straight razors back then (1850s?) but only the super rich bathed daily (monthly?)