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Perfect shave stick holder for the den


Browsing about Bed Bath Beyond I found the perfect solution to storing/displaying shave sticks in my shave den. It is a fluted glass jar that is made to dispense toothpicks. It looks very bathroomy with its chrome cap and fluted glass. It even has holes in the top. A stick of Arko fits perfectly.
View attachment 72931

At $2.50 the price is perfect also.



I've been using empty Brut deo stick tubes (the push up style deo stick they still make).
A quick question, if you put a wet soap stick in there will it get stuck?

One wonders if a #8 x 5/8" or 3/4" stainless steel truss head phillips tapping screw were run in to the stick through the lid, if the stick would emerge with the lid and you could then use the lid as a base for the stick. A more aggressive thread pattern like you see in brass wood inserts might work, also.
A quick question, if you put a wet soap stick in there will it get stuck?

I've used it once and I just checked, it did not stick after it dried. I've got Arko in it and that is the largest shave stick that will fit. A Valroba stick fits quite loose so I seriously doubt it would stick.
One wonders if a #8 x 5/8" or 3/4" stainless steel truss head phillips tapping screw were run in to the stick through the lid, if the stick would emerge with the lid and you could then use the lid as a base for the stick. A more aggressive thread pattern like you see in brass wood inserts might work, also.

This would probably work pretty well. Just watch out for the screw when you get towards the bottom.:eek:

Browsing about Bed Bath Beyond I found the perfect solution to storing/displaying shave sticks in my shave den. It is a fluted glass jar that is made to dispense toothpicks. It looks very bathroomy with its chrome cap and fluted glass. It even has holes in the top. A stick of Arko fits perfectly.
View attachment 72931

At $2.50 the price is perfect also.

Thanks for the tip. I already had found out Arko fits in a VGH holder (and VGH will soon be including a cap to go with their holder), but this might be more easy (provided we have something like this downhere too).
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