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Penhaligons ASB Scent strength

Okay so here is the situation.

I like the scent i have from the samples (Blenheim Bouquet and Endymion), however where smells are concerned; I do not like something that quiet literally creates a tail of the scent where i go, regardless of how pleasant it may be. I like a bit more subtly, the short smell or brief encounter obtained only by someone breaking into your personal space.

So I'm looking at a combination of Alum then balm, I'm just wondering if the blams scent is true to the EDT and evolves like the EDT's (Blenheim Bouquet and Endymion are the balms of choice), otherwise I might as well just get the EDT and apply it lightly.

So basically this is a help me save my money, is the Blenheim Bouquet and Endymion balm strong enough to stand up on it's own; and also is it true to the heart notes of the EDT's?

Thankyou, I have put this in the Colognes forum since it's strictly a question of smell not aftershave properties/abilities.
Endy ASB smells like Endy cologne. I have both. And yes, it's much fainter and usually fades from me in an hour or so.
i have the opus 1870 and the BB asb's. the scent from the BB is faint and fleeting. the opus is stronger but not as intense as the edt--i can smell it for about an hour. i happen to love the opus--my absolute favorite.

to me, both smell of their respective edt's opening notes and they do not evolve beyond that. the bb a little citrusy, the opus leaning towards cedar. not neccessarily a bad thing at all.

from a pure efficacy standpoint, these pen's are the best i've ever used and i have used a shi...truckload.
Okay thank you very much for those answers there most helpful, I think there pushing me to get the EDT's and use an aftershave routine that will compliment them.
I don't try to save money on this. I use the OPUS 1870 cream, balm, and EdT all on the same day. The EdT just a couple of drops on my throat(external). I love the combo scents, all complementary, and the balm is nice and soothing.
I don't try to save money on this. I use the OPUS 1870 cream, balm, and EdT all on the same day. The EdT just a couple of drops on my throat(external). I love the combo scents, all complementary, and the balm is nice and soothing.

Envy.... unfortunately Christmas has passed valentines is sorted already, it will have to wait :O
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