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So I just dropped my nice Faber-Castell. Didn't think much of it (I've dropped it before). Fell on the carpet, everything seemed fine. Went to open it to make sure ink hadn't leaked and this is what happened:


At first I thought it was just a weird thing and the nib came out. Nope. The barrell is completely disconnected from the feed and nib section, snapped right at the screws. I want to cry right now.

Not so cheers,



Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
I don't know much about this brand except that they have been in business for many years. Perhaps contacting them would be of help.
I'm going to contact them as the pen is barely six months old. Not sure if they'll do anything for me but we'll see. It's annoying as I love the pen - the weight, the way it writes, everything is what I wanted. That and the price was fantastic. Nightshade18 may have hit on the issue though- the pen does have a good heft to it yet this part is made of plastic. Not really thin plastic but obviously not strong enough for the weight of the pen if dropped. I'm sure there were fractures in this spot previously that I just didn't see, I can't believe that it would snap clean off from this drop.

Thanks for pointing me in a nice direction jochums.


From what I hear, they have great customer service, they will probably ask that you send them the pen, though.
Someone else here had the exact same thing happen. I think he sent it to Faber Castell, and they either repaired it or send him a new pen. Hopefully, it'll all be fine.

If it makes you feel any better, I just dropped a Waterman converter on our linoleum kitchen floor and it shattered. I was pretty surprised. It must have been its time to go.

a couple of weeks ago I dropped my dads Parker on the concrete floor of my man cave, and it landed right on the nib. Bent the hell out of it. I was in shock. But my mini needle nose pliers fixed it up just fine.
I have the same Faber-Castell as yours, and I love the way it writes. Hope they fix you up!
wow, well as long as there is no little bits and pieces even if they don't take good care of you maybe a bit of shellac will do the trick. But hopefully the customer care people hook you up. Sorry to hear about your pen man
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