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Pelikan Wanderlust


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
Only a few more days to sign up for this, it does sound like fun. Has anyone heard of this yet? Deadline is August 4th.

Pelikan is planning a special project called “Wanderlust.” Two Edelstein Ink bottles will travel around the world, from writing enthusiast to writing enthusiast, and everyone will write a letter with this ink. Then, a picture of the letter is posted on Facebook, and the original letter is to be placed inside the box before the box is sent on to the next person in the loop.

Everybody in the world can follow the different stops of the Edelstein Ink bottles as they travel around the globe. Further details and information on how to apply can be found on the Pelikan Facebook Page:


I've signed up. Here's hoping! :) Only 40 people are being chosen though. Looks like two groups of 20.

Thanks for posting Doug!




Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
There's a certain special chemical reaction that causes the TWSBI to crack into pieces if filled with that ink.


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
Man, you guys are really lucky! Too cool.

I'll bet you get some nice paper to play with.
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