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Pelikan Edelstein Ink


B&B Tease-in-Residence
I have to say I am pretty impresse with this ink. I have been trying to find a substitute for Noodlers Liberty's Elysium and thought I found it with iroshuzuki Kon-peki. Well I picked up a sample of the Edelstein blue, and found it to be wet, bit a quicker dry time than the pilot. Nice dark true blue color as well. I would recommend you all trying it out. I may need to explore the Pelikan Edelsein range further.


B&B Tease-in-Residence
Actually I believe it is the Topaz. It's a "true" blue. Where montblanc royal blue and J Hebrin eclat sapphire have more of a purplish hue, the Kon peki and. Topaz are true blues IMHO


B&B Tease-in-Residence
Boy is it not even close to waterproof. A flow sheet that I was working on obtained a drop of water. Smear city!!
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