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Parker shavette=nice shave

I just recieved my Parker shavette today. I had another one a couple of years ago, but only now got around to replacing it (it was confiscated at Kansai airport...)

This razor can give an excellent shave. Loaded up a Shark and went to work. Glided along easy as you please (keep the angle almost flat against your face). Two passes, BBS and feeling great.

It didn't hurt that I had also ordered up a new puck of MWF and I Colonial as well. I milled those both together and the lather was fine as can be.
Maybe I've missed the latest news, but does mean that you've shaved off your beard?

Edit: there is the shavette competition going on, aha!
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I agree, I recently had my first shave with a Parker shavette, it was really nice, smooth. I used Dorko DE blade.

My two complaints about shavettes-the blade is too short for my taste (DE blade-the feather blade is longer) and the tang is too thin

Having almost 2 years of regular straight razor experience really helped. I think a lot of newbies go for a shavette for the ease factor (no stropping, no honing) but I must caution folks, IMO shavettes are not for the unexperienced, I was keenly aware any wrong move and you will pay.
I'm with you Seraphim. I get an awesome shave with my Parker and the ease of maintenance is a nice fringe benefit. I have the one with brushed stainless steel scales, but I'm thinking about ordering one with the white scales to add to the rotation.
I don't find the spine at all thin, although I do like to use it while camping by the beach. I'm best with it keeping the spine as low as possible. Always thought to use Dorko blades as they are not quite so sharp as my Lords, but have never had the chance. Don't mind the thin tang, it's about the same as my Swedish frameback, and that only poses a problem while stropping (not an issue with the Parker). Main difference for me is that I cannot use a long sweeping pass with the Parker, but must use shorter strokes. And every time a new stroke is started, there's a chance for a misadventure. Ouch! Wonder if palm-stropping the blades in advance would help here?
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