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Parker Best Badger

When I first started wetshaving I got the exact same brush. It's a bit scritchy when broken in, and is fairly stiff. It lathers great for both soaps and creams. To me, the handle is a bit too heavy, and is rather awkward to hold. Still an excellent value, especially for a beginner. Good luck!
I personally Like Semogue brushes. The badger are kind of expensive. But you can get the Boar brushes that are just as good as badgers. I also like Franks shaving brushes you can get them on ebay from seller iantang. I go after the Finest badger which are very good and only about 30 bucks. you can also purchase a custom brush from Rudy who is a vendor here. You cant go wrong with any of these options. BTW I suspect that the Parker brush will work just fine. It may be a bit scratchy because of the type of hair.
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That thing is a piece of junk. You will regret buying it and probably give up wet shaving soon after.

Just kidding. I use a parker brush similar to that one and it does a really good job lathering both soaps and creams. I like the weight of mine, but individual tastes vary. Congrats on a good brush that looks awesome!
welcome to B&B!
It will be able to make lather :). It looks like a decent brush. Definitely not bottom of the barrel. If you should get SBAD (shaving brush acquistion disorder), you should check out the Edwin Jagger Best Badger Brush, which is also highly reccommended on this board as an entry level badger.
It will be able to make lather :). It looks like a decent brush. Definitely not bottom of the barrel. If you should get SBAD (shaving brush acquistion disorder), you should check out the Edwin Jagger Best Badger Brush, which is also highly reccommended on this board as an entry level badger.

Well I have been thinking about getting some new equipment in the near future to be honest :) But I think I'd either go for a Ruddy or a Whipped Dog :)
I have the exact brush, and it was my first brush as well. By now the label has pretty much worn off but it's still going strong. It does lose bristles but I have managed to avoid SBAD for some time now as I find this brush is quite good for making lather. I'm no longer tempted with the high end expensive stuff because this does the job well.
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