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Papa Murray's Razor

This post probably belongs in a different forum, but I wanted to put it here first in honor of my grandfather, Murray S., who passed away peacefully on Sunday, January 24, 2010, at the age of 98. I am not looking for condolences -- this was a long time in coming and he is in a better place.

For as long as I can remember, my grandfather was always an electric shaver (like my father), so I never really expected to find any wetshaving goodies in his apartment. However, in cleaning out his apartment, my wonderful wife found this apparently unused G3 Gold Aristocrat (my wife was born in September 1961 -- how's that for a coincidence?):





My mother speculated that he received it as a gift somewhere along the line, put it on a shelf and forgot about it. All I know is that I now have something which will help me to remember my grandfather, every time I use it.

My business and personal life have conspired to keep me overwhelmingly busy lately, so this is my first post in several weeks, but I wanted to share this wonderful razor with all of you.

glad to see you again, Neil.

condolences to you and your family, of course.

what a wonderful gift from your grandfather. I hope you will use it.

best to you,


This post probably belongs in a different forum, but I wanted to put it here first in honor of my grandfather, Murray S., who passed away peacefully on Sunday, January 24, 2010, at the age of 98. I am not looking for condolences -- this was a long time in coming and he is in a better place.

For as long as I can remember, my grandfather was always an electric shaver (like my father), so I never really expected to find any wetshaving goodies in his apartment. However, in cleaning out his apartment, my wonderful wife found this apparently unused G3 Gold Aristocrat (my wife was born in September 1961 -- how's that for a coincidence?):





My mother speculated that he received it as a gift somewhere along the line, put it on a shelf and forgot about it. All I know is that I now have something which will help me to remember my grandfather, every time I use it.

My business and personal life have conspired to keep me overwhelmingly busy lately, so this is my first post in several weeks, but I wanted to share this wonderful razor with all of you.

glad to see you again, Neil.

condolences to you and your family, of course.

what a wonderful gift from your grandfather. I hope you will use it.

best to you,


Thank you, Jon. I'm planning to use it over the weekend, when I have time to fidget with the adjustability -- a feature that is new to me.
How nice to find something of such great sentimental value, maybe a common bond you never knew existed?

My best to you and yours.
That is an incredible looking razor in itself, but the story behind it is even better.
Enjoy your shaves with it.
Wow...what a beautiful razor. Very sorry to hear about your Grandfather. I would be torn as to whether I would want to use that razor, or hang on to it.
Thank you, Gentlemen, one and all.

Wow...what a beautiful razor. Very sorry to hear about your Grandfather. I would be torn as to whether I would want to use that razor, or hang on to it.

I am indeed torn, but I believe I will use it, probably tomorrow.
Glad to see you back again, Neil. My condolences on your loss. It is safe to say we will never see that beauty up for sale in the B/S/T. In different circumstances it would almost be a shame to use it, but in this case, it would be an even bigger shame NOT to. That's a very special razor...enjoy, and many happy shaves full of fond memories. :thumbup1:
Glad to see you back again, Neil. My condolences on your loss. It is safe to say we will never see that beauty up for sale in the B/S/T. In different circumstances it would almost be a shame to use it, but in this case, it would be an even bigger shame NOT to. That's a very special razor...enjoy, and many happy shaves full of fond memories. :thumbup1:

Thanks for the kind thoughts, GM. No, this one will never be listed on the BST -- indeed, I had been scouring the BST myself for a nice fatboy or a slim adjustable, something which had been missing from my arsenal.

I loaded it up to use yesterday, but then I didn't have the heart to do it just yet. So, it may stay pristine for a while longer, although it remains my intention to shave with it.
Sorry about your loss, maybe the find was his way of making sure you remember him during one of your favorite pastimes
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