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Palmolive stick allergic reaction

I recently made a big order on bullgoose, and it arrived in the mail today. In the order I got my first palmolive stick. I shaved about 5 hours ago and had what I thought was a great shave, but after about 5 minutes my face turned red and it burned BAD. I know what your thinking, it's razor burn, but this burn was AT LEAST 5 times worse than anything else I've had after a shave. I also received a feather popular and used it with a blue gillette blade. I doubt it was the razor or blade though, as I've never had this type of reaction to a shaving soap, and especially one this bad. Has anyone else had a severe reaction like this? By the way, my face is still very red, just like it was after I finished shaving.
Try a patch test. Make a little lather and apply it to your inner arm. If you get the same reaction, then it is the soap.

If so, too bad: you will have to give up a fine soap.
When I used the Palmolive shave stick I had a very similar experience. As soon as I applied to it to my face it started to burn and after I rinsed it off after shaving it would itch for hours.
I had this exact reaction to the palmolive stick! It was a shame because I was in love with the price and the scent.

FWIW - the patch test proved worthless with this soap for me. I passed the inner arm test with flying colors - but the soap set my face on fire.
Sounds like the soap unfortunately.

I have fairly sensitive skin, but Palmolive is one of the soaps that never gives me any problems.

As always YYMV....
Had a similar reaction with Arko-face lathered with a Simpson Berkley. Burning and redness. I gave Arko another shot recently with one of my softest boars and was more reserved with face lathering technique and I was able to get a pretty good shave. Just won't buy Arko again, so many other great soaps out there so not a big deal. Palmolive doesn't bother me, though.

RazoRock xxx also is slightly irritating if I'm not careful (sensitive to citrus/lemon maybe?) but if I get lather started in my hand and then move to face I'm ok.
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Palmolive gave me a red face too. I got another stick (La Toja) and have had several great shaves with it, so I pulled out the Palmolive again to see if I just did it wrong. Used it the exact same way as the La Toja stick, and the same reaction I had the first time.
Yes, I had a similar reaction to the Palmolive shave stick - my skin did not turn red, but it gave me a burning sensation when I lathered - like I'd rubbed chili on my face. I also had the same reaction to La Toja's shave stick. It was a shame because I really liked the Palmolive lather and scent.

I haven't had a similar reaction to any other soaps, though. Just those two.

I recently made a big order on bullgoose, and it arrived in the mail today. In the order I got my first palmolive stick. I shaved about 5 hours ago and had what I thought was a great shave, but after about 5 minutes my face turned red and it burned BAD. I know what your thinking, it's razor burn, but this burn was AT LEAST 5 times worse than anything else I've had after a shave. I also received a feather popular and used it with a blue gillette blade. I doubt it was the razor or blade though, as I've never had this type of reaction to a shaving soap, and especially one this bad. Has anyone else had a severe reaction like this? By the way, my face is still very red, just like it was after I finished shaving.
Ok so I'm not the only person with this problem. It's a shame. What a great lather this soap makes.
You know I'm in a strange but settled place at the moment. I have been using Palmolive for ages and started using cella. Cella made my skin red and flaky. Loved the soap but common sense prevailed and it gad to go. Decided to stick with my Palmolive. One day my wife said "your cheeks have improved since you stopped using that soap (cella) but they are still a bit red" ! I looked closer and yes they were! I thought hang on I have never had red cheeks in 35 years.

So I reduced the variables. I started using Fusion Gel and Gillette basic Foam again (foamy ?)

Everything's back to normal with my skin so I use my de with tinned products. And you know what they are fine. They are as good as Palmolive. Slick, thick, cushioning and a proper wet shave. I was disappointed at first but have settled into a routine now and the de and canned stuff works really well - I guess in truth it's a 50's shave ?

One benefit is applying foam with the left hand on the second and third pass gives far better feedback than a brush so there are benefits.

That's why I have posted less to be honest. I have my blade, my razor and my product. Job done
Had a similar reaction with Arko-face lathered with a Simpson Berkley. Burning and redness. I gave Arko another shot recently with one of my softest boars and was more reserved with face lathering technique and I was able to get a pretty good shave. Just won't buy Arko again, so many other great soaps out there so not a big deal. Palmolive doesn't bother me, though.

RazoRock xxx also is slightly irritating if I'm not careful (sensitive to citrus/lemon maybe?) but if I get lather started in my hand and then move to face I'm ok.

Same thing happened to me with arko. It works better for me after pushing it into a bowl. I just can't seem to use sticks, as the concentrated soap on the face seems to irritate me. Is Palmolive soft like Arko, or hard like Vanderhagen Hand (one of my favorites sp?) I want to try it, but if I have to grate it I may just pass. Not that big of a deal, I have just been overwhelmed with life at home lately and don't want to bother.

I will say since I moved to a place with softer water I seem to be bothered less as I had a problem with Razorock third eye, but not at the new place.
Same thing happened to me with arko. It works better for me after pushing it into a bowl. I just can't seem to use sticks, as the concentrated soap on the face seems to irritate me. Is Palmolive soft like Arko, or hard like Vanderhagen Hand (one of my favorites sp?) I want to try it, but if I have to grate it I may just pass. Not that big of a deal, I have just been overwhelmed with life at home lately and don't want to bother.

I will say since I moved to a place with softer water I seem to be bothered less as I had a problem with Razorock third eye, but not at the new place.

The palmolive stick is harder than the arko stick, but still pretty soft. I grated mine into a bowl because I'm hoping that I can get less irritation this way. You should be able to use it as a normal stick without much problem though.
I recently made a big order on bullgoose, and it arrived in the mail today. In the order I got my first palmolive stick. I shaved about 5 hours ago and had what I thought was a great shave, but after about 5 minutes my face turned red and it burned BAD. I know what your thinking, it's razor burn, but this burn was AT LEAST 5 times worse than anything else I've had after a shave. I also received a feather popular and used it with a blue gillette blade. I doubt it was the razor or blade though, as I've never had this type of reaction to a shaving soap, and especially one this bad. Has anyone else had a severe reaction like this? By the way, my face is still very red, just like it was after I finished shaving.
After the rash clears lather up in a few hrs. with the Palmolive and don't shave. You will have your answer.



Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
The palmolive stick is harder than the arko stick, but still pretty soft. I grated mine into a bowl because I'm hoping that I can get less irritation this way.

Try bowl lathering before you bin it just to make sure it's not the extra rubbing causing the redness and irritation.
Yeah I wouldn't give up right away. My first couple of Arko shaves were the same way, but I put it away for a while, then tried it again and had no issues. Weird, I know.
Hey fellas.... I never tried any shave soap stick and was thinking of trying one or two, especially for travel. I'm a little cautious now after reading this thread about Palmolive. I know MMMV but would anyone like to make another stick recommendation?
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