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Palmolive Shave Stick Classic

Just got in an order from West Coast Shaving. I had read good things about this little guy, but I was skeptical. My skin has been finnicky and has outright rejected a handful of soaps to this point, including Proraso Green Tea and Tabac.

(I should also point out that I just received a new brush from BST - a shavemac silvertip. I have previously been using a Tweezerman. The brush upgrade may have contributed to what I'm about to write next.)

OH. MY. GOD. I didn't expect that. Not even in my wildest dreams. Even without my customary pre-shave oil (normally used because no other soap has protected me sufficiently without it), this was the easiest lather I've ever created. It gave me more protection than any other soap I've ever used. And, to complete the trifecta, it had equal or better slickness than the slickest soap I had ever used. I got so overwhelmed by it that I went berserk and did a straight ATG pass, which I never do. Only one little nick, which was my own fault due to lack of experience going ATG. No irritation whatsoever.

This may not be the first BBS shave I've ever accomplished, but it's the first one where I didn't instantly regret going for it.

Five stars. Two thumbs up. Fresh tomato. Any other sign of approval I can give, I give to Palmolive Shave Stick Classic. If you haven't tried it, you're doing your face a disservice.
Here i the UK it's so cheap I think it's now officialy a crime not to have one in all mens Dens. YOu can spen ££'s more and still end up with the same resault, it's a great stick and holds it own with the likes of TOBs sticks IMHO.
It was like $4 plus shipping from WCS which I understand to be 5-10x the price you get it in Europe. And it's STILL one of the best deals around.
I second that too. 50p in my neighbourhood (I'm also in the UK) and at that price you'd be mad not to have one or two in the den for those sudden trips abroad, etc. Nice, clean, soapy, inoffensive scent. Tallow-based goodness, lots of lather. What more could a guy ask for?
I use a little Selin lemon Cologne to finish up when I use the Palmolive stick. Both are that classic soapy smell. Nice.


Fridays are Fishtastic!
Palmolive's performance is equal to Speick. I give Speick a slight edge in scent, but I will always have both in the den.
I have been dying to try this and now I'm in. Does the WCS version come with a case? I'm going to use it for travel and want it protected.
I have to avoid the shaving aisle in Tescos. If I see the Palmolive sticks at 50p I get this irresistable urge to fill my basket with them.
I wrote the almost the exact same post as El Puerco a few years ago, perhaps not as eloquent, when I face lathered my first Palmolive shave stick.

As much as it may be hard to believe now, you'll find other sticks that also easily make lather explode on your face. Arko, La Toja, Speick and Valobra are all widely heralded.

Bit for now enjoy those great Palmolive shaves!


Fridays are Fishtastic!
I have been dying to try this and now I'm in. Does the WCS version come with a case? I'm going to use it for travel and want it protected.
Speick and Palmolive come without cases. An empty pill container makes a nice case, should one be needed. Give either (or better yet both) a try- they are true gems.
Oh yeah. That Palmolive stick, even @ about 10 bucks shipped in Australia, is STILL one of the great bargains of shaving.
the palmolive sticks (aussie and euro) always give me a great lather and resultant shave. I don't think the euro is 'that much better' than the aussie and given the difference in price I'm happy to stick with the local variety as my face and brush can't really tell the difference.
Great soap, you don't get much soap scum residue on razor with it either, i will have enough to do me a while, 30 sticks :biggrin1:
couldn't resist buying a few every time i went to the supermarket.
I have been dying to try this and now I'm in. Does the WCS version come with a case? I'm going to use it for travel and want it protected.

It just comes wrapped in foil which I found annoying for travel. If you are ordering from WCS, splurge $1.75 on one of these
http://www.westcoastshaving.com/Twist-up-Shaving-Stick-Containers-2-oz_p_649.html, and put your Palmolive stick in it. Works great and I suppose that twist-up container will last for years. Mine will always have a palmolive stick in it! Great stuff. I just wish we could get it at 50 p (whatever that translates to!).
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