After today, I m inclined to agree. Lots here comment that they have too many products. My shave was pure luxury.Over time, and due to my I-consume-therefore-I-am flaw, I collect a crapload of soaps. The problem with it, using them in rotation, is that some of them never end. A solution to this is loading my brush like there is no tomorrow, delivering me great shaves. At the end of the day, soaps are consumables and to get the best out of it is eat all you can.
"Best shave ever" sounds to me like you benefited greatly from using more soap. That doesn't sound like an overload to me, it sounds like the right amount for your face/beard and technique. Why in the world would you wait for "from time to time?" Soap is fairly cheap stuff - enjoy your shaves.I was day dreaming and overloaded my brush with soft soap, extro cosmeti to be exact. Maybe 3x what was neededBut wow, what a luxurious face lather it was. Thick and luxurious. Best shave ever!
God job I've lots of soaps and creams if I decide to overload from time to time.
I was day dreaming and overloaded my brush with soft soap, extro cosmeti to be exact. Maybe 3x what was neededBut wow, what a luxurious face lather it was. Thick and luxurious. Best shave ever!
God job I've lots of soaps and creams if I decide to overload from time to time.
Roy I’m at quandary as to why shavers try to obtain multiple shaves from a blade, and measure out soap as if it were gold. Two of the most expendable parts of your kit. A totally loaded brush leaves no room for air in the brush. Air does not lubricate or provide protection from a sharp blade. A totally loaded brush moves soap into the category of a fine cream with the absence of air in your lather. This elevates the shave into the luxurious category that our skin deserves. Excellent reasons to face lather.I was day dreaming and overloaded my brush with soft soap, extro cosmeti to be exact. Maybe 3x what was neededBut wow, what a luxurious face lather it was. Thick and luxurious. Best shave ever!
God job I've lots of soaps and creams if I decide to overload from time to time.
I did load well before but now moved 8nto the load some more category. Wonderfully creamy latherLoad the heck out of it, then when you think you’ve loaded enough…load some more.
I used Ivory myself for months when I had just started. It gave me an appreciation for more luxurious soaps when I moved on, but it works. The main disadvantage is that the lather fades quickly, but even a thin slickness will protect your face so long as you reapply it as needed in shaving.I grew up using Ivory soap even to shave with. Drug the bar over the wiskers and rubbed it in, My grandfather was out of the depression era and stuck in his habit, in the 70's and we used it for everything ....
Back when I was a Driller I had to travel light, we were always in the middle of nowhere and shave every day so a gas mask would seal. we were working in Poison H2s Gas and was nothing luxurious. But now I am retired i finally broke down and treating myself to better things..I used Ivory myself for months when I had just started. It gave me an appreciation for more luxurious soaps when I moved on, but it works. The main disadvantage is that the lather fades quickly, but even a thin slickness will protect your face so long as you reapply it as needed in shaving.
You might try Pears glycerin soap. It is still bargain priced, but it performs better than Ivory for shaving.
Roy I’m at quandary as to why shavers try to obtain multiple shaves from a blade, and measure out soap as if it were gold. Two of the most expendable parts of your kit. A totally loaded brush leaves no room for air in the brush. Air does not lubricate or provide protection from a sharp blade. A totally loaded brush moves soap into the category of a fine cream with the absence of air in your lather. This elevates the shave into the luxurious category that our skin deserves. Excellent reasons to face lather.