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Osage Rub and 444

I was in the mood for something light today, when it came to shaving, and woke up craving a menthol kick. But my morning quickly got busy (neighbours calling and general hubbub) and the shave got lost in the details. By the time I got around to shaving, I had a leaning toward going floral (which I don't do often, but I was feeling a temporary craving). I had some AoS rose cream picked out and was about to sort through the AS's when I decided that menthol was, after all, going to be the ticket. It happens.

Then it occurred to me that I had never done the Osage Rub/444 combination before, and decided it was time to try. My shave consisted of:

Hot Shower/Kyle's Prep
Proraso Pre/Post
La Toja Cream

Dovo Pearlex 5/8 Stainless
Thorough Cold Water Rinse
Osage Rub (with a generous helping of 444)

When I started to work up my lather, for some reason, the pre/post was REALLY working overtime and chilling my face more than it recently had. I think I was subject to feeling menthol pretty acutely today and feel the need to make note of it. Anyway, to the point of this post.


The menthol slapped me in the face harder than, well, something that's really hard...(I know, my flair for exposition is astounding). When I applied the AS concoction to my face I was floored with what I thought must be an insane alcohol burn. Having ridden that out, however, I really think it was just an incomparably insane menthol rush the likes of which I have never experienced. I have used Osage Rub multiple times and always enjoy its highly touted mentholated power, but have never noticed an alcohol sting, and I don't think the 444 caused it. I'm quite convinced the menthol was so intense my senses were overly stimulated to the point of temporary confusion. I should add, here, that if this paragraph seems in some way scary, it's not intended as such. I don't even mean it as a warning. I LOVE menthol (and actually like when products give me a nice alcohol burn as well). This combination is the holy grail for those looking for, what I assume might be, an unequivocal onslaught of menthol.

Closing thoughts:
I don't think I knew what menthol was until today. It's like trying to understand what being drunk is like without ever actually feeling it; you can't understand until you try it. I can now honestly say that I know what menthol is.
Wow what a combo, I could only imagine. Wish I could have used this combo the other day with Mama Bear's Awakenings which is due in next week for delivery to me. Its been hot here in Vancouver. I have only tried the 444. I tried it the other day with Proraso. It was nothing like your describing though.

Being in Canada, where do you find the Osage? :001_cool:
OK..... I'm going to bite.... And I really wish I hadn't read this post. What's 444?

As far as I can tell, being in Canada (and same would apply to US residents), the best place to buy 444 is from here. Even though it needs to be ordered from across the ocean, it's still pretty affordable (and if you're ordering it, it would be wise to pick up some Floid and La Toja while you're at it--both mentholated nicely and are high quality products, in my opinion).

As for the Osage, it was PIF'ed to me from a fellow B&Ber, but I will be buying a full bottle of my own soon and should probably also look into where to order some...

Further disclaimer: Sorry if I've hyped this combination up more than was necessary, but I'm pretty sure there are some people who can agree this is about as mentholated as it gets. :biggrin1:
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