Evening gents. The recent talk of Cointreau and other triple sec cordials as proper ingredients or substitutes for other ingredients in some of our old faves like Gin Rickeys, made me stop and think. How really should you judge a good cordial? Like others I have always just heard most refefrences to orange cordials as "triple sec". Which in this case seems to indicate triple distillation. Now having tasted some real "high qualiy liquers" like Hot Damn and Peppermint Schnapps(yes guys, tongue planted firmly in cheek there)I often wondered what the attraction was. Most of the bottom shelf brands like Dekuyper were just overly sweet concoctions to me. Made for people who wanted to get drunk on some kind of boo boo punch or somesuch. I do notice that some of the better name brands of cordials are quite pricey. I forked over for a small bottle of Drambuie and it was WAY beyond the Dekillya stuff. I have also drank Bailey's Irish Cream and it is better than the lower priced stuff but I often buy them since I am mixing it with coffee or other strong flavoured drinks that usually dominate the show. I also really like Iriish Mist. Those really are the extent of my experience with cordials.
Okay, back to the triple sec. Is there a marked difference between Cointreau, Grand Marnier, and some of the lower shelf brands? I susppose the answer is obiviously YES but do you have a different brand/price for mixing and those geared more toward drinks that feature the cordial prominently? Sorry to ramble but when you are talking 30-45 dollars per smallish bottles of this stuff, you don't need to make a lot of mistatkes.
Regards, Todd
Okay, back to the triple sec. Is there a marked difference between Cointreau, Grand Marnier, and some of the lower shelf brands? I susppose the answer is obiviously YES but do you have a different brand/price for mixing and those geared more toward drinks that feature the cordial prominently? Sorry to ramble but when you are talking 30-45 dollars per smallish bottles of this stuff, you don't need to make a lot of mistatkes.
Regards, Todd
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