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Opinions on Windows 8

What do you all think of Windows 8? I have it installed on one of my Computers and I think it has got some Bad Press. It is quite capable and fresh in my opinion
Never used it. I had windows XP for almost 10 years, and took the plunge with Windows 7 when I built a new computer a little while ago. Maybe when I get bored with windows 7 will I spend the money on windows 8. Heck, they'll probably have windows 9 out by then.
There are some things I like, some I don't. It takes a while to get used to. Definitely would work better as a touch screen for my laptop(which is the way its meant to be used). Overall, its not the abomination people are making it out to be.
What do you all think of Windows 8? I have it installed on one of my Computers and I think it has got some Bad Press. It is quite capable and fresh in my opinion

I think it has a Fisher Price interface, and Microsoft have put the final nail in the coffin of the PC.
i own a custom pc shop and deal with large amounts of clients and i remove win 8 from more computers than i can even remember since november. i get calls every week asking me to downgrade their systems to windows 7. windows "blue" or win 8 rev 2 will be along soon and will fix many things such as bringing back the start button and allowing to boot direct to desktop etc. once they do this many people will accept the switch. not until then. they tried to force a tablet touch interface down peoples throats and many will not have that. its decent at best but is not a good gui for a laptop or desktop that is not touch capable. otherwise its a nice os. personally i hate win 8 and i also dislike things like the app store etc i want to install what i want when i want and dont want ms to tell me what i can and can not install (which may be coming they want to take the apple approach). do i sound a bit angry well i am lol.. im a ms beta tester and everything we told them not to do they did anyway....


My elbows leak
Staff member
On a touch screen fine. On a laptop or desktop with keyboard and mouse I hate it.
Bad business move as many companies will think twice about this upgrade knowing they have to also install the classic shell to avoid a major retraining of staff.
from a guy who has only worked on machines with it for troubleshooting, I don't care for it, but that's because everything I need is somewhere else.

I can understand redoing the UI aspect of Windows, but seriously WHY DO YOU HAVE TO F WITH THE CONTROL PANEL? GIVE US IT PEOPLE A BREAK! OR GIVE US AN 'IT MODE'!
I use it on a VM on a MacBook Pro for some development work. I actually like it and think its fresh. If anything they should've done away completely with the desktop metaphor and gone completely to tiles. I can see it paving the way to a gesture based so that doesn't require physical contact with the computer. Where they are headed I think is exemplified through Kinect.
I use it on a VM on a MacBook Pro for some development work. I actually like it and think its fresh. If anything they should've done away completely with the desktop metaphor and gone completely to tiles. I can see it paving the way to a gesture based so that doesn't require physical contact with the computer. Where they are headed I think is exemplified through Kinect.

I think I agree with you for the most part. As someone who is only a recreational pc user I can certainly see why they went with the Metro interface. I do no actual 'work' on a computer. The occasional document or whatnot. Like most it is used for communication and internet streaming. It really is interesting what seems to be coming down the pike with regard to human interface. I think you may be onto something with the gestures. And as mentioned the update will likely include a choice of desktops. I thought that was only within the bailiwick of Linux? I do think the traditional interface will be only an obscure option before too many more years pass. We will see soon enough since my wife will need a new notebook within a few months.

Cheers, Todd
The biggest problem I have with W8 is the .pdf situation.
Adobe is just a reader, no features period.
The native program does a few things, but many of my business partners use .pdf at a much higher level and I feel that I can no longer keep up.
I do not need to get the whole adobe package.
This is my biggest complaint, other than spending a week trying to make my computer work like it did before I had Win8!!!
I don't mind it and appreciate the nerve it took to introduce such a big change. Predictable bad press from critics hasn't done it any favors.

from a guy who has only worked on machines with it for troubleshooting, I don't care for it, but that's because everything I need is somewhere else.

I can understand redoing the UI aspect of Windows, but seriously WHY DO YOU HAVE TO F WITH THE CONTROL PANEL? GIVE US IT PEOPLE A BREAK! OR GIVE US AN 'IT MODE'!

Seems like with every single version of Windows they are compelled to move things that don't need moving. Drives me crazy too.
the update will be free and as i am told from my inside contacts as ms it will re-introduce the start button and straight to desktop as well as some other features they removed from win 8. so FINALLY they listened to so many.
Been using Windows 8 on my laptop and think it is alright, took me about an hour of fiddling through the metro and desktop to find the things I was used to using in windows xp.

There is a basic sort of 'start' menu in the metro and desktop screens... by moving the mouse to the bottom left corner and right pressing and a list of the main areas you'd want to go to is listed.
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