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One year of the straight and narrow.


I’m stumped
Kia ora
I have now been shaving with a SR for a year. Just a quick look back on the year.
I had been thinking of giving SR shaving a go but was in two minds for a few months. The idea of throwing money at this and finding it was not for me just played on my mind but that itch had to be scratched. The trigger was when the little woman said “what are you scared !!” well F that, order placed for a straight the same day.
A Dovo 5/8 half hollow and a 3’ English bridal strop from The Superior Shave.
I p
osted here at B&B re what was in the post. Needless to say a whipped dog strop was recommended to use till I was stropping without nicks. So I ordered a poormans strop.
Pre 1st shave: I did a few shadow shaves and shadow strops i.e. razor in hand and shave with no contact. Stropping in the air with no strop and just focus on good form of turn and stroke.
1st shave: I must have done something right as my first shave was going to be cheeks only but ended up with a full 3 pass shave. WTG-ATG-XTG. No blood and a DFS.
Stropping went well with no nicks to the poormans strop so after two weeks I converted it into a home made paddle strop I named Excalibur. It looked like a cricket bat to me so named it after NZ cricket legion Lance Carnes bat he called Excalibur. He hit many 6’s with it. But that’s another story.

Honing: I thought honing would be a grind and was not what I wanted to be spending my time doing but happy to say I wrong.
Honing is key to a good shave and I enjoy honing then shaving off my edges.
My first hone set was a Norton 250/1000 & 4000/8000 plus lapping plate. The lapping plate was slow so got a DMT plate for lapping.
A few weeks later I added a 12K Naniwa. Was getting good edges but HHT 4 at the best.
Used TI paste & CrOx to get the edge to my liking.
My 1st hone was about 2 weeks after starting. I had rolled the edge. So hit the hone with an acceptable result but room for improvement. Very happy to get the first hone under my belt and improve the edge at that.
Natural stones started calling me, reading the honing section will do that to you. Was not sure if I wanted a coti or something else, so started reading all the honing posts I could. JNAT’s seemed to have what I was after very keen yet a smooth edge.
I sent my Dovo to the good Doctor for a taste of JNAT to see before I buy but my AD’s kicked in and I got one before the Dovo had even got to Doc.
So I came up with a plan B. That was to use Docs JNAT edge as something for me to aim my owne dges at.
Happy to report my first JNAT edge was good but not quite as good as the JNAT Jedi’s

To start I was going off the 12K naniwa to the JNAT with Tomo then finish on water.
I now have a full set of naguras, so all is done on the JNAT and I am enjoying the honing and shaving of these edges.
Plan B helped lift my game.

Pasted strop: I was using TI paste and CrOx on Excalibur with very good result. Weekly touch ups could keep an edge going.
Now I have my JNAT it has been retired. The edges just don’t need anything else and now maintain them with the stone only. YMMV.

I only have 2 new razors my 5/8 Dovo and a 7/8 Hart. I have few pre loved razors that make up the bulk of my rotation.
New is not always better, I find my
7/8 Joseph Elliot is my current favorite, think she about 160 years old?. Wanted to try different sizes / grinds to find what works for me, so got a few different sizes razors.
I enjoy the heaver grind and larger blades but that can change so I will keep few types of grinds in my rotation.

Journal: I kept a journal here at B&B and found this very helpful. It made me think about the shave to log and got plenty of good advice from others. link to my journal http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/265331-Shave-journal-Chris

The learning curve:
I moved up the curve very quickly. It felt like I had done this before, very natural. We all move at different speed. Just relax and enjoy the learning curve. After a few months I stalled, so tried throwing in some guillotine and scything strokes. This got forward movement again.

The first year has resulted in a few mild AD’s which made my wallet bleed money. The AD’s will be placed under control next year. Well that’s the plan anyway. Wish me luck.
The only thing I would change is my starting honing set up, it would have been good to start with a coti.
I am glad I now shave with a straight. Only wish I found the straight and narrow years ago.
My face has never felt better, with zero irritation and look forward to the morning shave.

I would like to say thank you to all at B&B who offered advice on the way. There is no way I would have picked up a straight let alone mastered it without your help.
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I'm happy that you are straight shaving and enjoying it. I hope to join you in the future, and straight shave myself.

For the love of everything good in this world, will you edit your post and space it out and use paragraphs? It would make it so much easier to read. I fear that some members will see that and just skip it. You have some good info in there, it's just hard to read.

Edit; that's much better:thumbup:


I’m stumped
I'm happy that you are straight shaving and enjoying it. I hope to join you in the future, and straight shave myself.

For the love of everything good in this world, will you edit your post and space it out and use paragraphs? It would make it so much easier to read. I fear that some members will see that and just skip it. You have some good info in there, it's just hard to read.
There was spacing etc when I copied it from word but when I hit post it did its own thing.
I have had gone back and edited, sorry about that.
Closing in on my year mark as well. Enjoyed reading your journey. Merry Christmas and the best in the New Year Chris.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
Wow, can't believe you have been going at it for a year already! Congrats on sticking with it.

Doesn't the straight feel as natural as using a cart or DE? I always have a twinge of marvel as I shave that I use a Straight.


I’m stumped
Wow, can't believe you have been going at it for a year already! Congrats on sticking with it.

Doesn't the straight feel as natural as using a cart or DE? I always have a twinge of marvel as I shave that I use a Straight.
yes hard to belive myself, time flies when you're having fun. Once the straight is mastered I would say it's as natural as carts and DE's.
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Fantastic write-up!:clap: Congrats are well in order as well. I am glad that you have had a great journey. I am five months in and still rotate DE and STR8 s. I started honing on films alone and now have a Apart barber hone and finish on films and balsa strop. I really want a new straight but have been restoring blades and have quite a collection of some of the respected named razors. I am thinking that I might sell a few of them and buy a new Dovo bismark or TI, but I really think that I want a Hart. That being said, I also want to get one nice stone to work with but have not researched enough to know what to get yet.

Wow, sorry, I went on a rant! Thank you for the great story and look forward to reading more.
Congrats, great post. I'm coming up to 6 months of straight shaving and have also had a little AD since I started. Strops, stones and blades. Don't have any brand new razors, got a nice NOS one in the summer but only have one from a shop - all the others are from auction sites and car boot sales.
Gonna try and calm my AD as one of my New Years resolutions, hope I can stick it out. I also plan on getting shot of a lot of my straights - I picked up a 6 day set recently (day 7 missing) so I need to create some space in my razor drawer.
Currently got about 30 or 40 razors; most are shaving, some well, others are in need of TLC. I even tried a kamisori that my bro gave me - that will be one of the first to go - just didn't seem to agree with me and bit me every time I tried it! :(

i regret ever learning about straight razors - it's a compulsive disorder. Why didn't I try it sooner and why can't I spend more time playing with my razors and shaving more than once per day! It may not be for everyone but I love the ritual and especially when I know that the shave is only possible because I honed a strip of steel to a point where it will cut stubble and not leave me irritated.
i guess there are cheaper ways of doing straight razors but if you live in Belgium there are very few possibilities to get a razor honed and coticules grow on the trees in my garden.

keep up the good work and keep telling people how cool straight shaving - funny how it often gets into an otherwise unrelated conversation!
Aww hell Al busted out the clapping Gentleman again..Looks like you are on the right track.

Congratulations on your success, and continued success to you!

Merry Christmas!
Congratulations Chris! I'm glad to see others that have enjoyed this art as much as I have. Kudos for keeping a journal. That is something that I have not done but it is great to read about others. Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas.


Now half as wise
I hadn't really thought about it, but after reading your post it made me realize I've been at it for a little over a year as well. I haven't delved into honing as much, and have been using film for now. I tried my Nortons, and finished with a 10K Chosera, but I need more practice. Just starting to use a coti, so we'll see how that goes.
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