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ONE thing I hate about my DE/SE journey...

Hope all is well with U and your families. I love everything about my DE/SE journey. However, there is only one thing I hate about it. I hate the fact that I can not go to a physical store and purchase shaving items such as safety razors, DE blades, brushes, etc. It would be so sweet just to go locally and purchase a 100 pack of Astra SP or purchase the latest and greatest safety razor.

Until than... I guess the internet is my only option. However... it is kinda fun "window" shopping on the internet for the latest and greatest shaving item. Surfing for the best deals is fun. I just get kinda impatient waiting for the product purchased.

I feel you on this, Warhawk. It would be pretty great. But I suppose it being only on the 'net keep its a niche interest and makes us unique and a different breed of men.
I found a place that sold Tobacco and they had a few brushes and some soap and even a few razors but not much, i got a brush and you are right it's nice to be able to lok at stuff first.
There is a local barber that has a few things including DE razors but i have not been into the store yet. Maybe when I need my next haircut I'll try him.
Just as well we have the Internet huh :biggrin1:
hit up any big mall I suppose. I'm in nyc so we have bigelow chemists and a few pharmacies and stores that carry items. and I know a few barbers. when I did a short stint living in central NJ, I hated being so far from everything.
stick to online shops that offer free shipping. royalshave comes to mind. and amazon. I use shoebox shaveshop and hey, they're down in FL. still charge shipping tho.
superfast shipping.
I guess it would be nice to grab stuff locally for emergency restocking, but even if it were available I highly doubt I'd take advantage of it very often. Being in a top 10 highest sales tax area I enjoy buying online and dodge being gouged by 9.75% tax, while I can anyway...I'm sure the clowns in charge will kill that enjoyment before long. :thumbdown
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I agree with you that it'd be nice to find a store around the corner that stocks favorite shaving soaps and aftershaves.
There's tons of stores out there that sell low-level stuff.
Walmart sells blades and VDH soap and brushes.
Target sells the better version of VDH stuff. Kmart and a few others carry rebranded blades under their own name.
Bed Bath and Beyond sells rebranded Proraso(spelling)..few places sell low-end DE razors, etc.
Just none of them really high-end...but it's not like you can't go out and get ANYTHING DE shaving related.

But yeah..it'd be nice to have one nice store where one can go and get what they need.

But alas.
I am lucky for the items i do have around me, but it would be nice to live near a whole lot more... blades for one are one thing i dont have around me and would like to have, but for smelling different items i rely on local friends to trade and sample with as we can all gain from the experience, and have some great coffee as well
We have a whet shaving store (it's also a online store) with almost anything you could wish for, you can even learn there how to shave with a straight and how to hone one. But since there are cheaper options online I don't go there anymore.
Here's what I've found locally

Injector blades
Double edge blades, Wilkinson's
Aftershaves, nice selection of inexpensive stuff
Cheap boar brushes
Williams mug soap

Besides vintage razors and brushes for restoration, everything else I've bought sight unseen.
That's why a community like B&B is so much fun to interact with. Buying, selling and trading on B/S/T for new items, discussion of the merits of all things shaving, you can't do this without B&B.
I agree. I wish there were stores where you could shop for supplies. When I see pictures of the stock at Pasteur Pahrmacy in NYC I salivate. If you go into CVS , Walgreens, Duane Reade, etc. wet shaving is virtually invisible. If you were not interested in it you would not know it existed. Any stock they do have such as Williams Soap, VHD or some aftershaves are on the bottom shelves gathering dust. In a way, that's why when shopping on the internet, I try to patronize the specialty vendors recommended on B&B.
I'm actually kind of glad I don't have stores that stock what I like. I spend enough as it is.....


I am fortunate to get to Manhattan and am now recognized at Pasteur's. That recognition comes at a price. The last time I was there, was able to leave without purchasing anything; something of which I'm inordinately proud.

The interwebs is great and is still my favorite way to shop.
Outside of the few items walmart carries, I haven't seen anything locally either. It sucks but I suppose I'm better off since I'm a major impulse buyer at times.
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